
22 0 0

T <3

Holy shit, please.
Oh my god.

what happened
r u ok???

I'm panicking, obviously.

girl pls
u don't have to have
perfect punctuation over texts

Shut up.
Get your ass over here.

In a burst of urgency, Juniper hurries into Thalia's house, swiftly using their key to unlock the door.

They try not to grimace at the scene - scattered clothes strewn across the couch, floor, and somehow even in the kitchen. Thalias sense of organization is notably lacking.

It comes to ruin the beauty of her apartment. Instead of being captivated by the refined wallpaper and furnishings, your attention is drawn to the disarray of makeup brushes scattered across the coffee table.

A shout from the bedroom beckons. "Jun!"

Recalling their purpose here, Juniper strides into the bedroom.

Upon turning the door knob, the situation becomes apparent.

Thalia is stood on the bed, laptop in hand, poised for attack, while perched on the air conditioner across from her is a small bird.

Juniper enters the bedroom, eyeing the intense standoff. They can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the scene.

"Care to explain what's happening here?" They cross their arms, leaning back against the vanity table.

Thalia, eyes fixed on the bird, responds with a mix of determination and frustration.

"This little shit flew in through the window, and I can't get it to leave."

Juniper nods slowly, surveying the situation with a bemused smile. "So, what's the plan?"

She gazes at them with a smirk. "The plan? I'm going to scare it away. Watch this."

She makes a sudden move towards the bird, but it just flutters its wings, staying put. Instead, Thalia herself ends up stumbling over and falling back on the bed.

Juniper refrains from laughing, covering their mouth with a hand.

Thalia rolls her eyes with a huff. "Shut up." She takes a deep breath, realizing she needs a different approach.

"Why don't we try something more friendly? Maybe open a window and gently guide it out?"

Thalia narrows her eyes at the suggestion before reluctantly agreeing with a sigh.

"Fine, whatever, let's do it your way."

They both approach the open window, strategically positioning themselves to guide the bird towards the fresh air.

They make synchronised movements, creating a path for the bird to escape. Yet, the feathered creature remains stubbornly perched.

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