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After enduring what seemed like the longest week in her twenty-one years of existence, the day has finally arrived.

Announcements echo over the intercom, barely audible amidst the cacophony of voices and footsteps.

Thalia has pined the sterile glow of the fluorescent lights, and the duty-free shops lining the corridors.

Oddly enough, airports are a safe haven for Thalia. They're her comfort space.

Despite the stress and fatigue induced by security checks and the hustle and bustle of airport procedures, Thalia finds solace in the familiarity of airports.

Perhaps it's something that comes with her love of travelling. It's a sentiment she knows many would scoff at, but for her, it rings true.

Duty-free shops are her favourite part. She's purchased so much makeup that her carry-on bags are pleading for mercy.

Within the initial hour of her flight, Thalias nerves gradually awaken with trepidation. Anxiety creeps in as she comprehends the gravity of her actions.

She's across the country to meet someone who may no longer regard her as a friend, or worse, may despise her entirely.

Is this visit wise? It's such a rash decision; she had barely any time to think it through.

Thalia slouches in her seat, lost in a whirlwind of her own thoughts as a flight attendant approached with a smile. "Would you like a beverage, ma'am?"

Rolling her eyes, Thalia snaps, "just water, and make it quick."

The flight attendant, taken aback by the brusque response, nods and hurries off.

Thalia ventures a theme of lashing out at innocent strangers when she's got a lot on her plate.

Once the lights are switched off and cosmic patterns begin to grace the ceiling of the plane, passengers start drifting off with their blankets accompanying them.

Except Thalia.

She usually harbours no trouble falling asleep on flights. It's her favourite thing to do, finding it more comfortable than her own bed. Yet, tonight, her mind is too preoccupied to succumb to sleep.

The thoughts weighing on her keep her from drifting into slumber.

Somewhere along the way, she finds herself watching "Boss Baby" on the in-flight entertainment screen. How she transitioned from listening to Lana Del Rey to watching a childrens movie is a mystery to her.

Eventually, Thalias eyelids begin to sense a magnetic pull gluing them shut, and she finally fades into a deep sleep.

As Thalia darts her eyes around, she finds herself standing in a place untouched by mortal hands.

Lifting her head upward, she employs a hand to shield her eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Yet, she finds the presence slightly more bearable than orthodox.

She steps onto the grass beneath her feet, feeling a sense of serenity wash over her. Flowers of every colour adorn the landscape, their soft petals dancing in the gentle breeze.

In the distance, the soothing melody of waves crashing against the shore beckons her, and she follows its siren call.

As she approaches the shoreline, she beholds a sight that takes her breath away.

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