Chapter 41

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    "Coach, calm down," I raised my hands in surrender, but instantly curled back over from the pain in my stomach. Lottie's arms snaked around my waist, holding me up.

    "I'm not your coach anymore," he snarled, "I want nothing to do with you fucking animals."

    "Why did you burn our cabin down?!" Van questioned, frustrated.

    "Because you're all fucking crazy!" He shouted, "You ate your best friend. You murdered a child! There are other ways to survive!"

"Yeah? What have you eaten in the last little while?" Van clapped back.

"Van...," Lottie tried to calm her down.

"No, no what gives him the right to judge us for trying to survive? I'm not a monster, Ben, I'm trying to stay alive. And I don't apologize for that," Van sneered, taking a step towards Ben.

Ben threateningly jabbed the spear in the her direction, warning her to not come any closer to him.

"You're all fucking crazy!" He screamed, "You're all fucking insane! Especially that fucking sadist Misty! She probably liked chopping my God damn leg off!"

"Ben," Lottie assured, "The Wilderness-"

"Don't talk to me about the fucking Wilderness you FUCKING SOCIOPATH!" Saliva flew from his mouth, his eyebrows creased in resentment.

"Ben! Calm down! We can help you," Taissa attempted to convince him.

"NO! I don't want you mr guys' fucking help! I want you all to burn in hell for what you've done!"

"You're gonna attract wolves, Ben! Relax!" I pleaded.

"GOOD! I hope a fucking wolf comes out and fucking tears me from limb to-"


Ben crumbled to the ground, holding his good leg in agony.

We whipped around to see Shauna fucking Shipman holding the rifle close to her chest.

Her eyes were as hard as stone, staring at Ben as he cried in pain.

"Shauna you fucking idiot! What are you doing?!" I screamed.

Ben's wailing turned to laughing, as he continued to clutch his shot leg.

"Ben, hold on!"

I started to make my way over to him, but he quickly grabbed his spear which beside him and pointed it at me, forcefully.

"STAY BACK!" He commanded.

Shauna approached him, rifle in her hand, positioning the barrel to his chest.

"SHAUNA STOP!" I yelled, stepping in front of Ben. almost instantly, Lottie made herself a wall in front of me, glaring at Shauna, protectively.

"Shauna, don't kill him," Lottie said.

"Move, Lottie, he could feed us for weeks. We wouldn't have to worry about eating," Shauna declared, "and last time I checked, you're not the leader anymore."

"Shauna, if you kill him, Natalie will have you exiled, and the Wilderness will kill you," Lottie insisted.

No matter who they agreed with, Van and Tai each stood at Lottie's side, refusing to let Shauna near Ben. Because even if Natalie was the leader now, Lottie would always be second in command.

"We're taking him back to the cave."

"NO! I won't!" Ben argued, but there was no point. He wouldn't be able to run.

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