Chapter 25

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Before falling asleep and making the decision of who I would sleep next to tonight, I borrowed a page from Shauna's journal and sketched all three of the girls.

    Sketching Lottie was easy, because I've had her featured memorized for years. But it was new and it was exciting to sketch Shauna and Nat, erasing and redrawing their features to perfect them. Trying to exact the shapes of their noses and eyes, the way their hair fell was so compelling, and it was a good distraction from trying to figure out who I'd have to fall asleep with.

By now, it was evident that there was a silent competition between Shauna, Nat and Lottie. If it wasn't obvious then, it sure was now, because they were all propped up in their sleeping bags, glaring at each other, determining who I'd sleep next to.

"I just gotta now how you do it," Van snorted, "I mean, three girls, all fucking over you?"

"Shut up," Tai rolled her eyes, "you're lucky to have me."

"I am, very lucky," Van chuckled, "but it's just so crazy how months ago you were like shaking just at Lottie's touch and now all three of these hot girls want your pussy so bad."

Her finger landed on my sketch and I exhaled. Taissa cleared her throat.

"Sorry, these respectfully attractive girls who are not attractive to me, but are attractive to the basic human eye," the redhead raised her hands in surrender, a smirk plastered on her face. Taissa grinned.

"I'm not, like, living out the ultimate fantasy here," I confessed, "it fucking sucks. I mean, I have to pick someone to sleep next to tonight and that's more than stressing me out."

Taissa raised an eyebrow.

"Here's a crazy idea," Tai reached across me and crumbled the sketch in her hands.


"Maybe, just maybe, don't sleep with any of them. Grow some fucking balls and sleep by yourself. Don't give them the satisfaction of you picking them. Let them try to pick you."

"That's...," I paused, so oblivious to the fact that I could actually do that, "fucking genius, Tai."

"Well, some of us are smart and hot," she hit Van's arm, "C'mon, we're going to the attic."

Tai dragged her girlfriend up the steps and I was stuck with a half asleep team and three girls staring daggers into each other.

I glanced at my paper that Tai crumpled up and threw it across the room. I moved my sleeping bag next to Mari, who was snoring, deep in sleep.

    Shauna, Nat and Lottie's heads all jerked upwards, surprised that I hadn't chosen any of them.

    I settled in comfortably away from them and waited to see what would happen. I closed my eyes but didn't sleep until I could hear them quiet themselves, because I sensed that they were all still restless.

    One of their footsteps helped themselves over to wear I lay.

    "So you're just gonna fuck me and then not sleep next to me? Maybe chivalry is dead," I heard Shauna mutter.

    "I'm letting you guys choose who sleeps next to me," I told her, loud enough so that Lottie and Nat could hear.

    "Well I'm taking it upon myself. Can I sleep here?"

    I smirked.

    "Bold, Shipman," I moved over and opened my arms.

    She nestled herself next to me and lay with her back against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and placed my hands on her stomach, rubbing the baby.

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