Chapter 15

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    We all wandered outside to fabric strung up on the trees are torches and a fire burning. I had to admit, I was pretty impressed with Jackie for putting this all together.

Granted, I was still pissed off for what she said to Shauna, but when Jackie Taylor put her mind to something, she would get it done.

The atmosphere was lighter with the decorations and the flames burning brightly. I looped my arm in Lottie's, noticing that Nat and Travis had done the same. Lottie placed her hand atop of my arm and I felt at peace.

    Tai and Van were holding hands. The masks that Tai made came out great and they both looked so beautiful together. Everyone had puzzled looks on their faces while they held hands, but also pride and admiration.

    "Are they..." Mari whispered.

    "Duh," Akilah responded.

    Tai pulled Van in for a passionate kiss which caused an eruption of applause and cheers.

Because of their confidence, I mustered up the courage to hold Lottie's hand. That elicited even more confusion, but frustration from Nat.

    "Taylor and Lottie! You too?" Mari asked.

    I took a deep breath, my heart nearly pounding out of my chest.

    "Yeah, I'm... I'm gay," I declared. Smiles formed on all faces and I felt showered in adulation. Shauna looked at me with warm, acclaimed eyes.

    "Lottie?" Mari questioned, again.

    Lottie looked at me, nervous, and I squeezed her hand.

    "Yeah, I, uh... yeah," her lips curled upwards in triumph and I was so proud of her.

    "Woah, so, you guys are together?" Jackie asked Tai and Van, who nodded in response.

    "And Taylor and Lottie?"

    I glanced at Lottie, wondering what she would say. She was looking at me for the same reason. I wasn't sure what to say and neither did she.

I could feel Nat's eyes burning into my skin. There was a moment of awkward silence and I could feel my heart sinking.

    "Nothing has to be set in stone right now," Ben cut in, "Mari made us what smells like a delicious stew, why don't we start digging in?"

    "For sure," Mari beamed with fulfillment, "and I have to get Misty credit for the mushrooms she found."

    Everyone applauded and cheered for Misty, who was wearing a coltish smile.

    Mari distributed the stew and it despite our limited recourses, it tasted pretty fucking good. It was warm in our bellies, and though the mushrooms were a little crunchy, they still tasted decent.

    I was kinda lost with where I stood with Lottie now. I didn't want tonight to be awkward, but unfortunately the energy was starting to get weird.

Lottie stood across from me, talking to Van and Tai, and I watched her, her beautiful presence in that stunning dress. There was a whole woods filled with trees and creatures and everything you could imagine, yet she stood out amongst them all.

    "Hey," Nat muttered.

    "Oh... hey."

    "You look great."

    "Thanks, uh... you do too," I answered, "I'm sorry, I thought you weren't talking to me."

    "Well I couldn't just admire you from afar and not tell you that you looked beautiful," she admitted, "plus, I thought you were back together with Lottie so this little... confirmation made me think it be okay to talk to you again."

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