Expecto Patronum

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"Normal Speaking"




It had been weeks since James discovered the truth about Sirius Black and why he was out to kill them. Weeks since he and Daphne had admitted their love for one another. The students soon returned to Hogwarts after the holidays had come and gone, as it was time for the start of the spring term.

James was sitting in the Common Room with Daphne on their usual couch on the far side of the Slytherin Common Room, away from everyone, where they were unbothered as they sat in front of the fire. This side of the Common Room was mainly avoided since none of the other students wanted to sit in the dark corner of the room far from the entrance or the stairs to the dorms, which made it perfect for James and his group.

James was resting between the arm and the back of the couch in its crevice, a book in hand, leaning back into the comfortable cushion, while Daphne leaned back into him, resting her head on his chest as she read a book.

Off to the side and behind the couch, Tracy and Blaise sat at a table underneath the only lamp on that side of the room. Pieces of parchment lay before them on the table, and books were stacked high on the side. Both of them were hard at work on the homework assignments that were assigned over the break and due tomorrow, as they had waited until the last minute to do them.

Tracy looked up from her writing at James and Daphne sitting together on the couch, smiling slyly. She looked over to Blaise and smacked his hand, causing Blaise's quil to scrape across the parchment and messing up his writing.

Blaise scoffs in indignation at this as he looks up at Tracy's smiling face, angry.

"What the hell was that for, Tracy? Now I have to start over again," Blaise hissed quietly at her, but this didn't detour Tracy's smiling face.

"Look," she whispered to him, nodding in James and Daphne's direction as Blaise turned to look at the two sitting on the couch behind him.

Blaise saw James and Daphne together, cuddled up, reading their books silently, before looking back at Tracy, confused.

"So?" he says, whispering, as Tracy groans, rolling her eyes at his obliviousness.

"Ugh, boys," Tracy groaned before gesturing sharply toward James and Daphne. "What do you see?" Tracy urged quietly as Blaise turned to look at James and Daphne once more before shrugging.

"A pair of bookworms?" he said with a smirk as he looked back at Tracy, who rolled her eyes once more. She let out a loud groan of frustration, letting her head fall, banging it on the table as Blaise watched this with an amused smile.

Blaise subtly looked back at the backs of the two lovers' heads with a smirk before returning to his homework.

Back on the couch, Daphne sighed tiredly as James smirked at this.

"Ignore her," James said quietly as he continued reading his book.

"I know you wanted to keep this a secret, but if Tracy can see it, how long do you think it'll take the rest of Hogwarts to realize we're dating?" Daphne asked sarcastically, getting James to chuckle.

"True. But fortunately, or unfortunately, the majority of Hogwarts's students aren't known for their spectacular whit," James remarked with a smirk, getting a laugh from Daphne.

"Makes you wonder what Hogwarts would be like if there were stricter teachers and headmasters," Daphne said, looking up at James, giving him a pointed look as he scoffed, frowning at what Daphne was implying.

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