Emotional Holiday's

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"~James speaking Parseltongue.~"


"Naga speaking."


"Normal speech."

When Christmas Day came James slept in before waking up around 10 am and going to the common room as he walked to the couch to sit down. As he was about to sit down he noticed a green gift-wrapped box under the tree and walked over to it before picking it up and reading the tag saying it was for him. James was shocked that he had gotten a present and took it over to the couch where he ripped off the paper in excitement before opening the box to find an old leather-wrapped book that had an image of a snake on the front with a note on top of the book.

"What is it, master?" Naga said as she slithered around James's shoulder.

"~I don't know~," James said as he opened the note reading it.

"I found this years ago in the Slytherin Common Room but couldn't decipher it, perhaps you can." ~Snape

'Snape couldn't decipher it?' James thought shocked as he took the book out before opening it and flipping through the pages finding words that he could easily read.

"I don't understand, Snape said that he couldn't read this but the words are as clear as day," James said as he continued to flip through the book.

"Master that is written in parseltongue," Naga said looking over a page.

"~Seriously? I couldn't tell they all look like normal words to me.~" James said as he looked over some of the contents of the book.

"That is because only those who can speak the language of the snakes can read it," Naga informed him as James looked over one of the pages before he realized something.

"These are spells!" James said in shock as he continued to look over the spells.

"This is very good master, parseltongue magic is very rare and very powerful," Naga said happily.

"~How strong is it?~" James asked curiously.

"Parseltongue fire burns everything even water, Parseltongue magic is also able to harm and control any magical snakes and reptiles immune to normal spells including Dragons and Runespoors," Naga informed James as he started to get invested in the book.

Later as James was going to go eat he realized he couldn't walk into the Great Hall with Naga on his shoulders.

"~Naga, is there a way you can conceal yourself? It wouldn't look good if I walked around with a king cobra on my shoulders.~" James asked.

"Of course, since we are bonded I can become a tattoo on your body so I may always stay with you," Naga said as she slipped under James's clothes and wrapped herself around his arm as James felt her melding into his skin, which kinda stung a bit. He watched as the outline of her body on the arm of his black long sleeve disappeared as he felt her become a tattoo on his arm.

"That's so cool," James said as he walked out of the Common Room and went towards the Great Hall finding everyone who stayed for the break sitting at one large table in the room.

James found the eyes of Snape as he smiled towards him and nodded showing his appreciation for the gift as Snape nodded back with a small barely noticeable smile of his own. Unfortunately for James, the only seat available was next to Harry as he reluctantly sat down in the seat avoiding making eye contact with Harry.

"Good morning James," Harry said trying to strike a conversation.

"Good morning Harry," James said back reluctantly but he was in a good mood this morning and thought he'd try being friendly.

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