The Secrets Out

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It's been over a week since Dobby visited James in his bedroom, and he was still mad, to say the least.

The training room James used to practice spells in was in complete disarray from the amount of destructive magic James had been practicing with. Thankfully the castle's house elves were able to fix it every time. But Snape had to intervene and order James to stop destroying the training room.

So, to distract himself from his anger, James threw himself into his studies and books, specifically, the journal Professor Snape gave him last year, which was written in Parsletongue. Because of how special this journal was, James kept it a secret from everyone, meaning he couldn't read it over the summer since Harry was always around.

But now, whenever he was alone, James would open the book and scour every word, breaking down spells so he completely understood them before he moved on to the next. 

Unfortunately, the spells written were very unique and very complicated. Some spells even mentioned and involved magic he had never heard about, requiring him to do extensive research before returning to the spell. 

This process of going to and from the journal was long and tiring. Most days, James could be found in the library going from shelf to shelf, pulling books down, and reading them.

It was here that Daphne found him.


Only a few students came to the library to do research or homework. None wanted to be there, and everyone looked miserable—all of them, barring one student.

James moved between the shelves with focus and determination as he traced his finger along the shelves before finding an old black book which he grabbed off the shelf. Opening the book, James held the book open in one hand, his lips moving slightly as he read. While not looking, James stretched out his other hand and reached toward a bookshelf on the other side of the aisle. Amongst the entire shelf, one specific old red book trembled on the shelf before flying off the shelf and into James's open hand.

Catching the book by its spine, James turned his hand facing the book upwards and let it open naturally as the pages flipped themselves before getting to a specific page; James looked at the page and scanned it.

"I see. So if an enemy wizard has control over a monster with a dark spell, it is still possible to override his control if your will is stronger," James muttered, intrigued but still having a frown on his face. The book he had summoned to his hand snapped shut and flew out of his hand back towards the bookshelf.

Daphne, who had been coming around the corner, yelped and ducked as the book flew over her head and smoothly returned to the shelf where it was taken from.

She looked from the book over to James, who still had his nose in a book that Daphne noticed landed on more of the darker side of magic.

James then looked up to see Daphne there, "Hey, Daphne. Didn't see you there," he said in a monotone voice, his expression not changing as he snapped the book shut and placed it back on the shelf.

Daphne sighed at how James was acting, "James, I'm worried about you," she admitted. James wasn't paying attention as he walked through the library shelves with Daphne following him.

"This isn't like your normal broody, handsome, charming, devious self. Over this last week, you've been angrier than usual, and I'm worried," she said as James pulled a dark green book off the shelf.

"I'm not broody," he stated as Daphne rolled her eyes.

"That's what you got out of what I said?" She asked, annoyed, sassily popping her hip out as she rested her hand on it.

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