End of Year 1

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That night James snuck out of the Slytherin Common Room and made his way to the third-floor corridor and down the hall to the wooden door at the end of the hall. After trying to open it and finding it locked James took out his wand and pointed at the door, "Alohomora." he said as the door unlocked itself. James kept his wand in his hand for Fluffy who was on the other side of the door. As he entered he noticed the massive three-headed dog who also took notice of him and started to growl.

"Immobulus," James said pointing at the dog who froze in place before it could attack him.

Once Fluffy was frozen James walked over to the trapdoor and looked down seeing plants that were moving around and looked like ropes.

"Devil's Snare?" James asked aloud as he lit his wand with Lumos casting a bright white light from his wand as he jumped down the trapdoor and landed on the Devil's Snare. James didn't waste any time as he pointed at the Devil's Snare, "Lumos Solem," he cast as sunlight shot from the end of his wand and the Devil's Snare retreated allowing him to fall through.

After recovering from the sudden drop, James went to the next room and saw a bunch of winged keys stuck into the door on the far side of the room. James guessed that Harry and his friends had already made it through and saw an old rusted key that was stuck in the door allowing him to walk up to the door and open it walking into the next room with no problem.

Once he entered the room he noticed that giant black and white chess pieces were covering the area. James walked through it all and arrived on the chessboard to see Hermione kneeling over an unconscious and beaten Ron.

"James!" Hermione said gasping out in surprise at the sight of James standing there.

"Hermione, what happened?" James asked as he walked over to her and Ron.

"Ron sacrificed himself so that we could win the chess game and Harry's gone off to face Snape," she said summarizing.

"It's not Snape, Hermione. I passed him on my way here, he almost noticed me." James said as he looked over Ron only finding minor injuries.

"What? But that's not... then who's Harry confronting?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know but I need to get you and Ron out so I can go help, Harry." James said as he points his wand at Ron, "Wingardium Leviosa," he said doing the swish and flick as Ron started to levitate in the air.

Once he had gotten Ron up in the air he and Hermione walked back to the Devil's Snare which had covered up the hole James had made.

"Hermione, could you make a hole, please?" James asked as Hermione took out her wand and pointed at the Devil's Snare above them.

"Lumos Solem," she said as sunlight shot out from the tip of her wand, and the Devil's Snare retreated away from the sunlight making a hole.

"Fluffy should still be immobilized so you shouldn't have any problems once you are up there," James said as he levitated Ron up through the hole and into the room above.

"James, I just wanted to say thanks for helping us," Hermione said embarrassed.

"It's fine Hermione, just try not to do stuff like this again," James said as he began to levitate Hermione up to the room as well.

Once she was up in the room above James went back through all the tests and passed by the chessboard which was trying to repair itself. After passing the chessboard James continued down the stairs before coming into an open room that had more steps leading down into it with fire surrounding the room blocking exit or entry into it. James found Harry unconscious on the steps and ran towards the wall of flames before stopping and pointing his wand at the fire.

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