Hogwarts Express

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The morning after arriving at the Leaky Cauldron, James woke up early and got dressed in the same jacket from yesterday but replaced his shirt with a grey one and black jeans.

As James left his room, he was halfway down the stairs when Harry's door opened, and he looked over the railing.

"James," Harry whispered since it was early, and he didn't want to wake anyone else up.

James stopped on the stairs and sighed before turning and looking up at Harry annoyedly.

"What?" James whispered back, his annoyance apparent to Harry.

"We aren't supposed to wander," Harry said as James scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Since when has that ever stopped you? And why should it stop me?" James asked, smirking deviously. Harry couldn't give a retort to that since he was guilty of wandering when he wasn't supposed to as he watched James walk down the stairs and head to the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Coming into the back of the Leaky Cauldron, James tapped his wand on the right bricks as the passage opened for him.

"Never gets old," James said as the bricks moved and shifted, forming an entryway. James didn't hesitate to walk through as the wall closed behind him.

Stepping into Diagon Alley, James's smile vanished as he became deadly serious. Looking around, James noticed Diagon Alley was empty except for a handful of people walking about since it was still incredibly early. It was so early that the sun's rays barely showed over the buildings.

After picking up several galleons from Gringots, James got straight to business, but after touring a few of the shops, he didn't find what he was looking for. Walking away from the main stretch of Diagon Alley, James noticed a shop just inside Knockturn Alley and entered a door that read 'Smith's Leather & Wares.'

The bell to the shop rang as James let the door close behind him and looked around the shop. On the wall to the right were trunks and bags of all shapes and sizes, along with clothes, all leather, all high quality. On the left were magical items, both common and rare, with jewelry being the most prevalent. Scattered around the shop were assorted leather products and hard-to-find things.

"We don't usually get visitors this early," a man with an English accent said as he stepped out from the back of the shop. The man was six feet tall and wore a grey suit with glasses on his face, looking very fancy for a person running a shop on the edge of Knockturn Alley.

"Well, I don't have a lot of time before my train leaves, and there's much work that needs to be done before I go," James explained with a smile as the man chuckled

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"Well, I don't have a lot of time before my train leaves, and there's much work that needs to be done before I go," James explained with a smile as the man chuckled.

"Don't usually meet a lad as responsible as you," the man said, holding his right hand out to James.

"Well, there's not many of us left," James answered as he grasped the man's hand.

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