Lessons and Finals

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When Tuesday came around James showed up on time for his Occulemency lesson with Professor Snape.

"Here's how this will work, you will meditate to try and build up walls in your mind to block anything from coming in, when you are done meditating I will attempt to break past those barriers. It helps to imagine physical walls and picture it very clearly in your mind." Snape said as he paced in front of James who was already sitting in a chair with his eyes closed focusing on doing what Snape said.

'I need to picture the kind of walls I want to build. Thick brick walls in front of some steel ones.' James said as he pictured thick brick walls forming in front of his mind with a layer of steel walls behind them. Once he had the image clear and complete, he opened his eyes signaling that he was ready for Snape to try and penetrate his mind.

"Legilimens!" Snape said pointing his wand at James who immediately felt pressure on his head making him clench his eyes as he tried to keep Snape out but it didn't work as he felt images of his past flash before his eyes. When those were gone he was thrown back into the real world as he sweat from exhaustion.

"Those barriers weren't good enough, Potter. Again!" Snape ordered strictly. When it came to training Snape wasn't holding anything back on James.

James and Snape continued to do this over and over for the next hour with James barely improving.

"Lessons over," Snape said as James said in the chair drenched in sweat and panting in exhaustion.

"What about Legilimency? You said you would teach me that too." James said getting his breathing under control.

"You still want to learn Legilimency?" Snape asked.

"Yes," James answered.

"It will put considerable strain on your mind with all the practice you have done with Occulemency already," Snape informed.

"The mind is like a muscle, you must work it to make it stronger," James said as he looked up at Snape who had a small impressed smile on his face.

"Very well then. To begin learning Legilimency you must first start with the incantation Legilimens which will allow you to enter the mind of another. Depending on your skill with Legilimency you might be able to advance and do it without the need of a wand or incantation. You will first try it on me to see if you have the skill for it." Snape said as he pulled up a chair and reluctantly sat in front of James.

"Legilimens," James said pointing his wand at Snape and immediately saw images flashing through Snape's head of James's father tormenting Snape along with his friends. He saw Snape meeting his mother and his father for the first time. He was then thrown back into the real world with both him and Snape panting.

"My father, he tormented you. And my mother, she was kind to you." James said in shock.

"To be able to get past my mental barriers that quickly it's incredible. You have a gift for Legilimency, James." Snape said shocked that his mind was breached so quickly.

"I seem to have a talent for all things dark and dangerous," James commented.

"That doesn't make you evil," Snape said before standing up and walking around his classroom. "Having a talent for dark and dangerous magic doesn't make you evil, it's what you do with that knowledge that makes you evil. You can choose to be corrupted by the dark magic and use it for evil and become a dark wizard, or you can have the knowledge and only use it for good and at the proper times." Snape said pacing around the room.

"So I just need to stay in control?" James questioned.

"Yes. Maintain control and you won't fall into darkness. However, I cannot teach you anymore on the topic of Legilimency." Snape said.

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