Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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Today was the day of the first Quidditch match of the year. Slytherin vs Gryffindor. What was supposed to be Draco's grand debut as the new Slytherin Seeker... however.

"Draco's sick," Flint announced begrudgingly as he stood in the Slytherin Quidditch Team tent as the other team members gasped. They were all ready, having geared up for the game that was starting in less than 30 minutes.

"What? How?" one of the team asked.

"Don't know. But apparently, Draco woke up this morning puking his guts out and can't leave his bed. So, filling in for Draco will be our runner-up for the position of Seeker, James Potter," Flint announced reluctantly as James walked into the tent dressed in a Slytherin Quidditch uniform that fit him perfectly, carrying Draco's Nimus 2001.

The players looked at James with apprehension as they remembered the incident back in the courtyard where Draco collapsed to the ground in pain while James was glaring at him. Nobody knew why Draco was in pain but they knew James had something to do with it. 

"Hey! How do we know Potter didn't poison Draco?" one of the guys called out standing up as he glared down at James who kept a blank face.

James walked up to the player and got in his face.

"That's a bold accusation you just made. That I would deliberately poison our team's Seeker to take his spot?" James said as he glared at the player who began to sweat and looked around for help but not finding any as the other players just watched. "I'd like to see you try to prove that," James snarled glaring at the player, his eyes boring into the player who backed down in fear as Flint finally spoke up.

"Enough!" Flint yelled as James took a step back as the player sat back down nervously.

Flint watched James with apprehension before turning back to the team.

"Alright, we're gonna play hard today. Thanks to Draco's father our new brooms are faster than their old ones. They won't be able to keep up with us," Flint said picking up his broom as the others followed his example. "Let's go," he said as he began walking to the entrance of the field with James following right behind him.

Flint stopped at the entrance as he looked down at James glaring at him.

"If you cost us the game I'll make your life hell," he said as James just smirked.

"I'd like to see you try," James said as Flint looked at him in shock. Without any more time to think, Lee Jordan introduced the Slytherin team as they mounted their brooms and took off into the stadium while Jordan listed off the names of the players and their positions.

"Hold on, ladies and gentlemen! There's been a last-minute roster change, it looks like James Potter is Slytherin's new Seeker!" Lee Jordan announced as the Slytherins cheered while the team made their laps around the pitch.

In the teacher's box, Snape and Lucius looked surprised at this as they thought Draco would be playing Seeker.

Down in the stands, Ron and Hermione looked at each other in worry as they watched Harry and James fly into starting positions above the Quaffle.

Harry was surprised, to say the least. Who knew he'd end up facing his brother in the first game of the season?

"James? What are you doing here? What happened to Draco?" Harry asked as James smiled sitting back on his broom perfectly relaxed and perfectly balanced as he wasn't holding the broom with his hands.

"Let's just say Draco's morning pumpkin juice didn't agree with him," James stated smiling deviously as Harry looked at him in shock realizing his brother poisoned Draco. 

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