Enter the Chamber of Secrets

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"Normal speech"





The night of the recent attack, James was sitting in his room at his desk with only a candle as a source of light as he skimmed through Salazar Slytherin's diary for any information about the Chamber of Secrets.

James had been at this for over an hour before eventually finding something at the end of the book.

"If you wish to discover more, seek out my Chamber of Secrets. Ask the snake, and the door will open for you."

"Ask the snake, and the door will open for you?" James repeated, confused.

"What the bloody hell does that mean?" he asked, placing his hand to his chin in a thinking pose before his eyes widened slightly, getting an idea as he looked to Naga, who was coiled up on his bed.

"Naga?" James questioned, seamlessly slipping into Parseltongue.

Naga raised her head from her coiled body as her tongue flicked out at James, "Yes, massster?" she hissed.

"Do you know where the Chamber is?" he asked as she shook her head.

"No. I am sssorry, massster. In my exploration of the castle, I have not found sssuch a place," she told him as James sat back in his chair in thought.

"In hindsight, I haven't let you explore very much, have I," he said regretfully as he looked at Naga. "I'm sorry for keeping you couped up like this, Naga," he said as she shook her head.

"It'sss alright. You are protecting me, massster," she said affectionately.

"Still, you have a right to be free. To roam about the castle and not be caged up like an animal," James said before getting an idea.

"Wait, that could work," he said as he thought it over, going through every scenario.

"What isss it massster?" Naga asked.

"I know how you can roam the castle and still be unseen," James said as he picked up his wand and pointed it at Naga.

"Fallacia," James spoke as Naga faded, her skin becoming the same color as everything behind her, effectively camouflaging her.

"It's not perfect, and I'll need more practice before I can make you fully invisible. But this camouflage should work for now," James said as Naga inspected her body to find that she had changed to match her background.

"Thank you, massster," Naga hissed gratefully.

"This will allow you to roam the castle. But you shall only do so at night, so there is a less likely chance you will be seen. The spell is not perfect, so avoid people as much as possible," James told her, kneeling in front of the bed.

"Underssstood, masster," Naga hissed as she slithered onto James's shoulders, her body changing color to match James and blend in with his clothes.

"When you leave the dungeons look for anything that could be an entrance to a secret chamber," James instructed her.

"Asss you wissh, massster," Naga hissed.

James quietly left his room as he walked through the empty Common Room and to the Slytherin entrance.

James barely opened the door as Naga slithered off his arm and disappeared down the hall.

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