Chapter 37- Secrets

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Agam's Pov

The moment those words escaped my lips, it felt as if a heavy weight that had been crushing me for so many years had suddenly been lifted.

As the truth hung in the air, I felt a sense of relief wash over me

For so long, I had been burdened by the weight of my secret, haunted by the fear of what might happen if it was ever revealed.

Tears continued to flow down my cheeks, but they were no longer tears of sorrow, they were the tears of the newfound freedom.

At that moment, I felt lighter, unburdened by the weight of the biggest secret of my life.

I felt Sarah's trembling fingers reaching out to me and caressing my arm. "I-I don't know what to say" she whispered, her voice barely audible

With tears glistening in my eyes, I met her gaze and spoke softly, "I am a library of secrets I long to abandon."

She reached out, her touch gentle and comforting, as she replied "Then share it all with me, Agam. Give it all to me. Let me be the silent reader inside those walls."

At that moment, I felt a flicker of hope stir within me, a glimmer of possibility that perhaps, just perhaps, I could find solace in her embrace.

I knew that she would be there offering me the peace I so desperately craved.

I took a deep breath and started telling her everything that had happened with me

3 years ago

As the sun's rays entered through the window, I woke up from my sleep, lying on the floor. With a groan, I pushed myself up and made my way to the bed.

Stretching my limbs, I felt the ache in my neck and shoulders from the awkward position I had slept in. Rubbing the stiffness away, I took a moment to collect my thoughts before facing the day ahead.

My eyes wandered around the room to find her. "She must be in the washroom," I said to myself

As I rose from the bed, a sense of urgency tugged at me, compelling me to check the washroom. With determined steps, I made my way across the room. Reaching the door, I hesitated for a moment before extending my hand to give a gentle knock.

I gave a light knock on the door of the washroom, causing it to creak open slightly. Peeping inside, I found it empty, with no sign of her presence. Confusion tugged at my mind as I wondered where she could be.

I got out of the room and went towards the stairs. My pace quickened with each step, driven by the urgency to find her. Upon reaching the ground floor, I scanned the living area, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Turning my attention to Lisa, I approached her. "Lisa, have you seen her?" I inquired, hoping for any clue to her whereabouts.

"Isn't she in your room?" She asked
"No," I said as I started moving outside of my penthouse

Just as I was about to step outside, Lisa called out my name, signalling that I had a phone call.

"You need to take this, this is the 13th call from your mother. It's important" she said

I turned back and she handed me the phone. Reluctantly I took the phone from her. With a heavy heart, I pressed the answer button and brought the phone to my ear.

"Hello, Maa," I said

"Agam beta! Kaha the tum?" She asked tension evident in her voice
(Agam beta, where were you?)

I glanced at Lisa, silently asking if she had mentioned anything about the girl and she signalled a no

"Bas maa so rha tha" I replied
(Nothing maa, I was just sleeping)

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