Chapter 46 - Marriage of lies

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"Sarah, are you listening to me?" Kyle jolted me out of my thoughts

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"Sarah, are you listening to me?" Kyle jolted me out of my thoughts.

"I know it's a lot, and what I'm about to tell you might be hard for you to accept, but listen to me very carefully," she said, her voice serious.

She took a deep breath and handed me a tablet. My eyes bulged out in shock after seeing what was on the screen.

"Kyle... how did you?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"I know this is a lot for you to take in, but—" she began to say, but I interrupted her.

"I know that Agam is not the biological father of Yug, but how did you get this? And who all know this?" I bombarded her with questions.

"You know this!" she said in shock.

"Yes, Kyle, now tell me who all know about this other than you?" I asked, panic surging through my body.

"I can't risk anyone knowing about Agam's secret, which he has kept for so many years. I can't bear the guilt of my friend being the one to disclose it when that man has done everything in his power to hide it for good," I thought to myself.

"No one. I came straight to you when I found out about this," Kyle said, her voice solemn.

"But, Sarah, you cannot marry him right now. There are so many unanswered questions, too many things that don't make sense. Who is Yug's real dad? Why would they close Savi's case so quickly? It's a marriage of lies, and you are getting yourself into a trap," she explained, concern laced in her voice.

"Kay, I know it's a lot for you to take in, but I will explain everything you want. I know everything," I assured her.

"Do you know who is Yug's real father?" she asked.

"Savi's boyfriend," I replied.

"And what's his name, Sarah?" she pressed.

"I don't know. I never touched this topic again with Agam," I replied, my voice barely audible.

"See! You know half of the things. Do you even realize how the attacks can be connected to this? I need answers, and I'll get them from him," she said, rising from her seat.

I held onto her hand to stop her. "No, Kyle, you won't do anything. That man has been nothing but selfless and loving towards his family. He may not be Yug's biological father, but Yug surely is his son, and he has left no stone unturned to give that kid the life he deserves. So no, you will do nothing, and we will pretend that you never saw this, and that nothing like this ever happened. If Agam wants to keep it this way, then it will be this way only," I asserted, getting up from my place. I took a deep breath before continuing, "I am sure you can come up with some other ways to get answers, but avoid asking Agam and telling anyone about it. Now let's go downstairs. I think it's time," I said, forcing a smile, but her expression remained unchanged.

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