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It's been a month since she last saw Deva after he said while I'm gone. I mean she understood that he was busy and had to go but couldn't he have at least texted her. Huff! It's not like she wants to know about him or his whereabouts.

Vidya put her hands on Ahvi's shoulders "Girl! What are you doing looking at yourself in the mirror? Let's go or we'll be late"

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Vidya put her hands on Ahvi's shoulders "Girl! What are you doing looking at yourself in the mirror? Let's go or we'll be late".

Vidya put her hands on Ahvi's shoulders "Girl! What are you doing looking at yourself in the mirror? Let's go or we'll be late"

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"You look beautiful" Ahvi stood up turning around.

Vidya rolled her eyes "I know I am! Come on" and dragged her out of the room which they are staying in their friend's apartment.

After an hour they reached their university. It was in the outskirts of the Banglore built in twenty acres of land with a little forest area around.

"Gosh! I didn't understand till now but I really missed this place" Vidya sighed.

Ahvi raised her eyebrow "You did? I thought you wanted to get out of this hell hole".

Vidya hooked her arm with Ahvi's "Semantics.... Love! Let's go and have a blast" before walking inside hurriedly.

The whole college auditorium was decorated for the farewell party of 2024 batch. Everyone was seated and the principal gave his speech about career and the future before the students took the dias.

There were dances, skits and songs and mostly emotional last day speeches. Although they will meet for graduation one last time they're still sentimental. After the culturals everybody went to have dinner.

During dinner Ahvi's mobile pinged making her take out her mobile from her clutch to see a text from Lion. She frowned Lion? and opened the text

'Where are you?'

                                       'At college'

'Come out!'

                       'I'll have to search for Vidya

'I already called her! You come out'

Ahvi sighed and ate the last scoop of ice-cream and threw it in the dustbin before walking out of the auditorium and towards the main gate of the college. She saw many people roaming on the campus but ignored them since she didn't know most of them.

Once at the main gate the watchman opened the gate making her get out and saw Deva leaning on to the car door with his hand in the pants pocket. He stood straight once he saw Ahvi who was walking towards him that too in a saree.

'This tiger is definitely trying to kill me' Deva was about to walk towards her but stopped once he saw a guy approach her.

He couldn't hear what they were talking about but he saw her smiling with that guy which she never did with him. He fisted his hand squinting his eyes as Ahvi's gaze fell on Deva as she took a bag and bid goodbye to the guy before walking to him.

Deva looked at the bag in her hand and took it once she was close before directing her to the passenger side of the car with his hand on her back. He shut the door after Ahvi settled into the seat and walked to the driver side before getting inside and started the ignition driving off of the campus premises.

"What about Vidya?" Ahvi asked.

"The driver will pick her up" Deva replied as he handed the gift bag to her "Open it".

"I'll open it later" Ahvi was about to put the bag away.

"Open it and let me also see what is in it" Deva insisted making her open the gift to see a polaroid camera.

Ahvi appreciated the gift and texted the guy "Wow! He definitely knows my taste".

"Who's that guy?" Deva asked.

"He's our project team mate and I helped him a lot in the project so he gifted me this as a token of Thanks" Ahvi answered and clicked his picture.

She waved the photo and smiled at the picture before putting it in her clutch and the camera in the gift bag "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you" Deva replied.

Ahvi frowned "For what exactly?"

"Can't I miss you?" He asked looking at her.

"Don't you think it's too late for that" Ahvi mumbled.

"Ahvi... " Deva called her making her look at him but he didn't say anything.

"Umm.. I'm hungry" Ahvi didn't want this awkwardness.

"You haven't eaten?" Deva frowned.

Ahvi shrugged "You texted me while I was about to eat".

Deva stopped the car at a roadside stall where tiffins were sold. He got out with his mask on and bought two plates of dosa while Ahvi got out of the car and walked to the railings of the road as he walked to her and handed her the plate.

"You should sit in the car and eat" Ahvi looked around.

"It's just a few people! Eat now" Deva took off his mask and both of them ate the dosa looking at the busiest city so peaceful at night.

"I'll miss this city so much" Ahvi sighed.

"I can bring you here anytime you want" Deva said.

Ahvi narrowed her eyes at him "And pray tell me why would you do that?"

"Because my tiger loves this city" He tapped her nose before taking her plate away and threw it in the dustbin before washing their hands and got into the car.

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