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The next day the whole internet and even news channels telecasted the whole lunchroom discussion. Most of the people calling Deva ignorant and arrogant that he doesn't know how to respect others. There are many comments online that his career is gonna end even if he's a global star because the Ambanis are far more powerful than him.

Vidya frowned reading the rumors sitting before the TV where the news anchor was criticizing her brother as her aunt was tensed.

'Deva's career is done'

'He poked who he shouldn't have poked'

'Does he really think he's bahubali who can go against anyone'

'He should really know his place'

"This is juat ridiculous" Vidya threw the phone onto the tea table.

"Vidya calm down" Radhika was already worried about all this nuisance.

"Calm down? How can I calm down when they are talking shit about annyaya" Vidya huffed.

"Let Krish take care of it" Radhika sighed.

Vidya shook her head "Annayya need to speak up for himself otherwise it is going to affect his image".

"Trust your brother Vidya" Radhika assured her.

Hearing their conversation as she was getting down the stairs Ahvi felt restless too. She knew that Deva was fearless and all that he has connections all over India but that doesn't mean he can come over anything.

She sighed as she unlocked her mobile and texted Lion-

Where r u?


She walked back upstairs in search of the gym and just realized that the whole floor was only for entertainment with a studio, gym and a home theater also gaming room. At the other end of the floor she found the gym and walked inside to see Deva punching the bag with sweat all over his body.

 At the other end of the floor she found the gym and walked inside to see Deva punching the bag with sweat all over his body

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"You are too calm" Ahvi's words made him stop punching the bag.

"I'm always calm" Deva took off his gloves.

"You are but it's like you're not at all bothered by the rumors" She handed him the water bottle and walked to the punch bag pushing it and raised her eyebrows at how heavy it was.

He emptied the whole bottle and threw the bottle in the dustbin nodding "You're right I should be bothered" and walked closer to her making her move back but almost slipped due to the punching bag behind her.

Deva held the punching bag before she could fall steadying her "What are you doing?"

"May be you should take all my worries away" He held her cheek and started bending down making her close her eyes tightly as she felt short of breath.

She sighed when she felt his lips on her forehead and opened her eyes to see him pulling back and looking into her eyes making her smile and hug him.

"I'm sweaty tiger" Although his mouth says it he hugged her.

"I don't give a fuck" She hugged him tighter.

He spanked her behind "Language".

She widened her eyes and pulled back looking at him "Did you just spank me?"

Deva nodded innocently "Is it hurting?"

Ahvi scoffed "Of course it's hurting" and tried to move back from his hold.

"Let me help you erase the pain" Saying he was about to touch her behind but she swatted his hands away moving back from him.

"You wish" She turned around and started walking towards the door but he just hugged her from behind.

"What are you doing?" Ahvi tried to move away.

"Let's go on a date" Deva kissed the top of her head.

"Date?I'm sure everyone is waiting for you to give some statement on these rumors and here you are asking me to come on a date" She pushed his hands away and faced him.

Deva sighed "I'm not asking! I'm telling you that we're going on a date within an hour. So get ready" before walking out of the gym.

'Seriously! Who asks on a date like this? Didn't he date even once? Ahvi...you've so much to teach him' With all these thoughts running through her head she walked out of the gym and to the elevators.

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