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"Ahvi! This is our son Karthik" Kalyani introduced her son.

Karthik smiled at her "Hello Ahvi! Nice meeti-".

Even before Karthik could complete talking Ahvi spoke "It's you..".

Everyone looked at Ahvi confused including Karthik "Me?".

Ahvi licked her dry lips nodding "You don't remember... ".

Deva narrowed his eyes leaning onto the pillar looking at Ahvi as Karthik asked "Remeber what?"

"Ramakrishna Beach road. I bumped into you and you took me to the hospital... " Ahvi replied.

Karthik seemed deep in thought and then he recalled a teenager running away from some guys and bumping into him a few years back and looked at Ahvi his eyes with recognition "That was you... " and smiled.

Ahvi chuckled nodding 'Gosh! She never thought she would meet her saviour'. He saved her from those rogues and joined her in the hospital after she fainted "I couldn't thank you back then and I didn't even know your name".

Radhika looked at Ahvi "You both already met?"

Ahvi nodded "He saved my life in a way".

"Wow! Speak about destiny" Vidya looked amazed.

"Uh.. Why don't you both talk privately?" Kalyani suggested.

Ahvi nodded standing up making Karthik follow her to the garden while Deva glared at both of them as they passed him walking towards the front door 'He saved her life?'

Ahvi looked at Karthik "Thankyou so much! If you weren't there that night.. I don't even want to imagine what would've happened to me".

"I just did what I could! Are you still going alone to beaches at night?" Karthik asked.

Ahvi shook her head "No... I wouldn't have gone out that night too... But I was waiting for someone and... ".

"He didn't show up" Karthik concluded making her smile sadly.

Ahvi sighed "Let's leave about him. So.. Where did you vanish that night? I searched for you a lot".

Karthik explained "I was on a holiday in Vizag and I had a train that night at eleven so I couldn't stay. Did that nurse help you?".

Ahvi nodded "She did! In fact she was the one who took me home and didn't even complaint about me to my family".

"So... This pellichoopulu..." Karthik trailed off.

"Umm... Actually I'm not interested in love or marriage".

"Is it because of that guy?" Karthik questioned "Or is it becauss of those rogues?"

Ahvi raised her eyebrows "You're enquiring as if you're a doctor".

Karthik chuckled "Your mom didn't tell you about me".

Ahvi winced "Umm... She tried to but... You know.. ".

Karthik cleared his throat forwarding his hand "Let's start fresh! I'm Karthik Reddy. Psychologist".

Ahvi shook his hand "Hello Dr. Karthik! I'm Ahvi chowdary final year student in business school and a part time event manager".

Deva squinted his eyes looking at both of them shaking hands from the balcony and poured his coffee startling them and moved back looking up to see Deva holding a coffee mug "My hand slipped".

Karthik smiled "It's okay bro! By the way I'm a big fan of yours. I didn't expect to meet you here like this. And of course your sister too".

"Shut up!" Deva sharply said making Karthik jump.

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