Chp 16: burdened

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He was injured heavily, his left arm unable to move....silently he sat there bound like the rest of the fallen eons.

"we captured a total of 13 flareons, 8 glaceons and 5 jolteons" a masked figure reported to another who might have been the leader" amongst these we have the flareon lord balereon, the jolteon queen as well as the glaeceon lord, blizzard"

"what about the glaceon queen?" the leader growled.

"we were unable to capture her, one of our members reported that a jolteon was accompanying the glaceon queen" the masked figure reported, his head bowed.

"ha! So now jolteons are helping glaceons even though their queen is being held captive by us?" the leader chuckled" well isn't this a humorous joke"

He then walked over to the jolteon queen and bowed mockingly at her direction" your highness, may I know the location to your royal husband and heir?"

The queen just glared at the figure" I don't know who you are but my husband will make you regret attacking the royal family"

"oh will he now" the leader smirked before suddenly grabbing the jolteon queen by the chin" maybe I should have fun with you, to persuade your husband of show himself"

"the elders ordered us not to touch the captives" the masked figure pointed out.

"I know what the elders said!" the leader growled, before violently swatting his paw away" tch, cant even have fun in this bloody mission"

Cinder silently sat there at the corner, his back to a pillar and his two short swords in the hands of one of the masked figures who was showing it off to one of its companions.

"psst, hey" he whispered to a glaceon who sat next to him, a bleeding wound on his head" I want you to try to reach into my neck fur"

The glaceon stared at him in uncertain confusion.

"there is a hidden knife inside of it" cinder explained and the glaceon nodded before using his mouth to search inside his neck fur.

All the time cinder kept a close eye on the masked figures in case one were to look at their direction.

After an intense three minutes the glaceon was finally able to find the small knife and carefully dropped it to the ground, immediately cinder picked up the knife with his paw and began to cut the ropes that tied his arms.

Then he proceeded to free the glaceon before pointing to the other captives.

"there is no possibility for the two of us to overthrow the enemy by ourselves" he whispered" I want you to free the other captives while I create a distraction after which it is up to you all to fend for yourself, I may not return so I want you to tell my father to focus on saving himself first"

"understood" the glaceon nodded.

Cinder sat there for a moment while looking around the dimly lit hall ( from candles lit by the masked figures ) before spotting the one who held his swords.

Then he stood up abruptly and charged at the figure, knocking it off his feet and to the floor. At the same moment the glaceon went behind a pillar and in the cover of the dark headed towards the other captives.

Cinder on the other hand picked up his swords and then directly ran towards the main exit.

All eyes fell on him and others ran after him with weapons In their paws.

"capture him!" the leader shouted" don't let him get away!!"

The figures ran closely behind him but he had a head start so they were behind by a few feet.

"archers!" the leader screamed" why didn't we bloody train some archers!"

A few hours later

Cinder panted with exhaustion, hiding behind the fallen trunk of a dead tree. Footsteps of his pursuers echoed through the forest night.

"i need to get to somewhere safe" he thought" but I don't know where"

He then began to walk towards a random direction, careful of any sudden noises incase his pursuers were still nearby.....

( hello everyone! Luvian here and im here for those who might be wondering why this chapter is shorter than then other chapters then it is because this chapter is more of a sub chapter than a full one and is happening at the same time when light and flake made their escape to the forest and primarily focuses on our courageous flareon prince )

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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