Chp 5: Glaceon kingdom.

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Princess flake stared at herself in a mirror as one of her attendants combed her fur. The eevee was feeling quite down today, since her father and brother were coming back home from their venture at the rocky ridges. Flake had a bad relation with the rest of her family since she never really understood their cold behavior. In fact she thought that their behavior was due to her mother's dead and the thought made her sad when she remembered about her mother.

" the king and prince will be arriving shortly" an attendant came to the door and informed her. Flake nodded and gestured for both of her attendants to leave. The attendants bowed their heads and exited the room as flake padded over to the window of her room and gazed over an icy tundra. She had always longed to go out beyond the ice filled region and explore places that she had read in her book and longed to see with her own eyes.

Sighing she walked down the hallway and entered the dining hall. Two glaceons sat on the table and noticed her enter.

"daughter, come and sit" king blizzard said and flake sat on her seat as a glaceon attendant placed their food in front of them before bowing and leaving the room.

" how have your ventures beyond the rocks fared?" flake asked them as the three of them ate their food.

" there still hasn't been any signs of the espeons yet " hail, her brother replied. Flake just nodded silently and resumed eating.

" I have something to discuss with you, daughter" the king said and flake braced herself.

" here it comes" she thought.

" I have formed an alliance with the flareon kingdom and both sides have agreed to seal the alliance with a marriage between the royal families" he said.

She felt as if someone had told her that her world was ending, well practically it was. She sat there in silence as her father continues speaking.

" in about three years, you are to marry prince cinder of the flareon kingdom" he added.

She felt numb and cold at her father's words that the world seemed to shut down around her.

"but father, do I not have a choice in this?" she asked, bowing her head to the table.

"what you mean?" he asked sternly" this is what you meant for"

"cant I at least choose who I want to marry?!" she exclaimed.

"you will marry prince cinder and that's final" he said in a cold ad harsh voice.

She felt tears flowing down her cheeks and fled the dining hall. She ran towards the castle gates before a glaceon grabbed her by the arm.

"princess, where are you going?" general shard asked. Then, she noticed the tears on the eevees cheeks and silently walked alongside the eevee outside the kingdom gates. The two of them reached a frozen lake and sat down on the snow as shard asked the eevee.

"so, tell me whats the matter" she asked in a clam voice and the eevee hugged her tightly.

"father said that I have to m.....sob.......marry prince cinder from the flareon kingdom to.....sob.....honor the alliance" the eevee sobbed onto the glaceons shoulder. The glaceon patted the eevees head as she let her cry a bit more.

"I understand that being a princess is hard and that life has a cruel way of playing with our fates. But if you believe it then im sure that you will be able to find a mon who will take you away from your troubles" shard said in a soothing voice.

"you think so?" the eevee asked, wiping her tears.

"of course. It is said that everymon has a soulmate in this world that understands almost everything about you, your soulmate might even have a life like yours. Bound by the chains of obedience and just waiting to find somemon who can set them free" the glaceon smiled into the air. Flake looked at her in admiration and hugged her tightly. Shard was more like a family to her than her own family.

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