Hardships ( 4 )

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Night POV-

"this sucks" I sighed as I laid sprawled beside a tree" why cant I be strong as you, sis?"

"because" my sister smirked as she ate a sitrus berry" I'm older than you"

"that doesn't make any sense!" I exclaimed" if being older means I'll become strong, then how long do I have to wait until im old enough?"

The umbreon laughed at me" you're so naive. If you want to become as strong as me then you have to train hard"

"but I don't know how" I replied getting up.

"then how about I teach you how?" the umbreon replied and it made my face lit up.

"really?! Aren't you like really busy with your job?!! Are you really going to train me?!!!" I asked excitedly.

"ok ok stop! Oww my ears, yes I'll train you but only for a week since I will have to go on a mission by then" she replied, rubbing her ears.

"great!" I exclaimed, my tail wagging side to side in excitement.

"just know that the training will be intense" she said in a serious face. I nodded in determination and she gave a small smile." Well then, lets begin the first step"

"the first step? Whats that?" I asked in confusion.

Suddenly she punched me in the face and sent me flying across the ground.

"the first step" she said, standing above me" is to beat me"

I wiped the dust of my face and charged at her with a quick attack. She dodged it by moving to the side and landed a karate chop on my back, sending me crashing to the ground.

"you got to do better than that nighty" she taunted me with a smirk.

I used bite on her arm and she winced in pain before slamming me to the ground. I still held on to her arm and she prepared dark pulse at me. Knowing that I would be doomed if I got hit with a dark pulse at such a close range I let of her arm and dodged the move in time. Then I shot a shadow ball at her which she sliced using shadow claw.

"weak, try harder" she instructed and I nodded before charging at her again with quick attack.

She gave a disappointing shake before dodging my attack, but she was shocked when I shot a shadow ball at her. The attack made direct contact and she was knocked back from the explosion.

"not bad, not bad at all" she smiled at me and I grinned back at her.

"come on, attack me again" she said, getting into a battle position.

Then, I charged at her......

Crystal POV-

" we pray to tapu fini for gentle waves" my sister said as we prayed in front of the altar that had a statue of the legendary deity.

"tapu fini is one of the four tapu deities. She controls the seas and oceans of the world and grants good winds for ships and boats to sail" she explained and I listened attentively.

" the four tapu's consist of tapu koko, who the jolteons worship. Tapu bulu, who the leafeons worship. Tapu lele, who the espeons worship[ and lastly tapu fini, who we the vaporeons worship" she continued" but the sylveons worship all four of the tapu guardians because they are sub fairy types"

I nodded and kept a mental note of everything.

"come" she said and walked over to another altar.

( note: the altars are like small open hut like structures that are located on a hill that overlooks the island village. )

We stood in front of a statue of kyogre.

"kyogre is known as the ruler of the seas as it is he who controls all the oceans in the world" she explained, making an offering of berries to the statue" he controls the tides, creates tsunamis and keeps the oceans in check"

She then lit an incense stick and put it in front of the altar" he is also known to have constant battles with groudon and once the two of them filled the whole world with ash, fire, and lava from groudons end and water, tsunamis and floods on kyogres end"

I stared at the statue in awe as I listened to my sisters explanations.

"of course by arceuses order, raquaza interfered and put a stop to the two raging titans" then she motioned me to follow her to another altar. The altar had a statue of manaphy.

"manaphy is known as the spirit of the sea and she is responsible for luck and prosperity in our tradition" she said patting me on the head" I guess this is enough lessons for today"

"i can still learn more" I insisted and she gave a small laugh.

"patience, little sister" she said, nuzzling me" we cant rush the preparations for your ceremony"

I nodded grumpily, in two years I would undertake the trail of the high priests that would determine if I was qualified to attain the rank of arch bishop.

"come on, lets enjoy the day. You should enjoy the time when you're young, you might miss it when you grow up" she smiled grabbing my paw and leading me towards a small café located north of the village.....

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