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In a world which was created by the god arceus. floral life bloomed all around, arceus who was the only being in the universe decided to create eevees and made them live in the world that he created.

the eevees thrived in the new world, creating houses and gathering food which the forests had in abundance.after a few years, a group of eevees discovered a way of evolving into new forms by stones that seemed to posses special powers.

and with that the appearance of jolteons, flareons and vaporeons came to be. the three new forms went to live in different habitats but kept close relations with the eevees and even opened trade with eachother.

then after another few years, eevees discovered that by leveling up near a moss rock or ice rock they were able to evolve into leafeons and glaceons who now live in the lush forests and snowy mountains. they traded fruits and forest material from the leafeons side while they traded rare gems and materials from the glaceons side.

another 20 years or so eevees once again discovered that by having strong emotions at night and day, they would evolve into umbreons and espeons respectively. umbreons and espeons had the ability to read minds and even tell the future at times making them highly respectable among the other.

then after another 15 years or so the eevees discovered a way to evolve by falling in love or having immense feelings of love that led them to evolve into sylveons.

the eight eeveelutions lived in harmony as time went on.

that was........until now.

a conlfict arose between the eeveelutions as their differences made them so distant from the others. they became hostile towards one another and slowly started to seperate away from eachother.

the jolteons started to build a kingdom in the desert plains of the south eastern lands.

the flareons settled their kingdom around the three volcanoes in the west.

the vaporeons built their kingdom in the southern ocean.

the espeons kingdom secluded themselves on the rocky plains in the north.

the sylveons kingdom lived in the grassy plains in the center lands.

the leafeons kingdom took the forests in the south west.

the glaceons kingdom stayed in the snowy mountains in the north east.

the umbreons kingdoms whereabouts were still unknown.

the journey begins as eight different eeveelutions seek out the truth behind their kingdoms never ending war.

will they finally bring an end to their problems......

or will they perish in the attempt........

( moon: hey there dear readers! this chapter is a teaser for you about the upcoming story that i will be writing on during holidays.

lily: a medieval themed story about eeveelutions who are brought together to end a horrible war!

moon: and we hope to see you all again when we are done with our exams.

lily: without further ado.

moon/lily: cya! )

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