Hardships ( 3 )

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Flake POV-

I was running down the basement stairs, trying to get away from my sorrows.

"why? Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse this happens" I sobbed as I opened a door that led to a small storage room.

The room was lit with a dim candle and no mon occupied it, it was the best place to go to when I was in a bad mood, and I was in one right now.

"take over the kingdom? If that happens then I may never be able to fulfill my dream" i whimpered as tears ran down my cheeks. Apparently my brother had recently become an imperial after a battle with the umbreon kingdom, though it came with the price of him having a huge scar that ran from his eye to the left side of his cheek. He assumed the title of 'freezing tyrant' and gained respect and loyalty from the whole kingdom. But, the bad thing was that now he was unable to ascend the throne now.

I still remembered my father's words.

" after your marriage with prince cinder, you will also inherit the throne of our kingdom and the two kingdoms will become one big alliance" he said" we will then have the power to trample all the other kingdoms "

That was all he thought about, invading the other kingdoms and one day seeing the glaceon kingdom rule it all. I didn't want any part of this, I didn't want to marry some prince from another kingdom.

"a prince in shining armor comes and rescues the princess from her sorrows" that's how all fantasy stories went.

"as if" I thought smiling sadly" where could someone like that even exist?"

A face came into my mind. The eevee with the blue earring, the one whos eyes were a deep indigo blue maybe he was that prince who would save me from my sorrows.

I shook myself, what was I thinking? Those kinds of fantasies would never come true.

Knock knock

Who was that? I panicked thinking it was probably one of fathers men searching for me due to my fathers orders.

"its me" a voice spoke and I immediately relaxed. I opened the door and a glaceon walked inside.

"so" shard asked in a soft voice" what happened today?"

"nothing good" I whispered and snuggled close to the glaceon.

"care to tell me more?" she smiled and gave my cheek a cold lick.

"after my brother became an imperial, father deemed me as his heir since I was the only other member of the royal family" I began.

"ah right, prince hail or rather I should call him general hail had recently became an imperial huh" she smirked and I looked up at her.

"your not the general anymore?" I asked, concern on my face.

"no" she frowned but then the frown turned into a soft smiled" I am now your personal body guard"

It took a moment for the words to register in my mind before my face lit up and I hugged the glaeon excitedly.

"im so happy!" I squealed.

"so am I" she whispered and kissed my forehead. The two of us sat there in the basement till nightfall.

Astrea POV-

"it seems....my time is coming to an end soon" my sister coughed as she laid on the bed.

"no, your going to be okay" I said, tears in my eyes.

She smiled and lifted a paw to stroke my cheek" death is inevitable, its only a matter of how and when you die"

My sister had the crimson miasma, a disease that shut down the victim's heart and makes blood pour out of the body. As of right now there was no known cure for the disease.

"my time is short" she said coughing up some blood" I want you to fulfill the prophecy"

"you mean the one you spoke when you were unconscious?" I asked and she nodded.

"a prophecy that could possibly end this war" she said smiling" it's a dream that I hope can become a reality"

"promise me..." she began, her voice growing smaller and smaller" promise me that you will fulfill this prophecy"

"I promise" I said crying" so please, please don't die and leave me behind"

"stay strong my constellation" she smiled as her eyes closed slowly" know that I will always love y....."

Gone, my only family was gone. I cried on her chest, begging her not to leave but after several hours of crying I finally accepted that she was not coming back.

The next day we buried her body in the ancestral graveyard and the king gave a speech to mourn her death.

"we have lost our only priestess, one who was dedicated to her work with all her life" the king said" even though her soul has passed away to the next life, her deeds will always be remembered and spoken of with honor"

The others bowed their heads in respect to the body as it was buried. I stood there as well, bowing my head as the tears still flowed.

"it was a terrible loss" a voice said and I noticed the eevee standing beside me, his head low in a respectful bow.

"I never would have known that her death would affect me so badly" I said wiping away my tears to no avail.

"she has always been one who loved her kingdom and more her family" the prince praised. I nodded as I smiled at the comment, it sounded so much like sis.

"the prophecy" the prince began" if you ever think of journeying to fulfill it...."

I looked up to the eevee and replied with a determined face" I will fulfill this prophecy"

He smiled" if you were to ever run into a problem, come back to the kingdom and ask for me. I will try my best to provide any assistance that I can"

"Thank you, prince lunarfall" I bowed my head.

"please" he smiled " call me moon"

"Okay, moon" I smiled back. He nodded and took his leave.

"one day, I will find that relic" I said looking up to the sky and then to my sister" I will make you proud"

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