Chp 14: the reapers

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20 umbreons were lined up under the shade of the tree, each wearing a black cloak that covered their features completely and were well camouflaged among the shadows.

" tonight we begin the highest mission granted to the reaper corps in over a hundred years by the royal family of the umbreon kingdom" a single umbreon, carrying a war axe on his back announced to the rest of the umbreons.

"tonight we shall target and kill the heirs of the glaceon, jolteon and flareon kingdoms and bring down the three empire and make it ours!" voices erupted among the rank of reapers as their morale were lifted.

He then held his axe and pointed towards the castle in the distance" go, and bring us victory!"

The umbreons silently dashed through the dense forest, perfectly camouflaged by the moonless night. Amongst the 20 armed umbreons Night desir dashed through the trees wearing his standard lightweight armor made from adamantine steel and black cloak which helps with camouflaging with the darkness.

They advanced on the castle with caution and analyzed the surroundings for guards and other eons. The umbreons advanced in groups of three which provided enough vision and efficiency in case of any accidents which would reveal their presence.

The castle was guarded by 15 glaceons, 10 jolteons and 25 flareons, leading to almost no possibility of infiltration of any sorts. But the reapers were an organization that were masters of assassination and were able to break into any place with ease.

2 teams of three dashed through the forest and towards the castle yard where 5 glaceons guarded the entrance to the kitchen which was located at the back of the castle and swiftly took them out without any sound, they then dragged the corpses and hid them behind the bushes.

The rest of the umbreons targeted the remaining 35 guards and after a while all of the guards that were originally guarding the castle were all dead.

" look at these fools" the umbreon with the war axe, drako, smirked" these guards are no match for our ranks, and their masters are inside enjoying themselves oblivious of the fact that we took out their proud defense with ease"

"go through the top windows and target their chandeliers, they will be easy to assassinate in the dark" he said to 6 umbreons who all nodded and took out their grappling hooks and began to climb the immense walls of the castle.

Night and other umbreons went in through the back entrances while drako and two other umbreons took the front.

He stealthily walked through the hallways and entered the ball room where all of the nobles from the jolteon, glaceon and flareon kingdoms were present and socializing with other nobles.

He then spotted the glaceon queen talking with a flareon and a jolteon, he recognized the flareon as king cinder but the jolteon was a stranger to him.

( at that time light was facing towards his right so night only saw the left side of the jolteon and did not recognize him )

"greetings to you, your majesty" the jolteon bowed towards the glaceon who shook her head and smiled.

"no need to be so formal ser knight" queen flake replied" it seems you are acquainted with my fiancé?"

"yes, me and light got to know eachother when the jolteons came to discuss affairs with the father" cinder replied.

The glaceon smile was forced when she spoke to the flareon" I see, and may I ask what the two of you were discussing before I interfered?"

" oh it is nothing of concern" cinder replied with a smile" I was just asking him how he liked the preparations I have done for our wedding"

Night listened intently on their conversation before an umbreon tapped on his shoulder.

"drako says its time" she whispered and he nodded, reaching under his cloak to pull out a small pointed spear and a half- scythe ( his weapon is a scythe that is detachable which makes it easier to carry ) and got ready.

All at once the chandeliers crashed onto the floor, crushing any mon under them and soon the entire hall turned dark without the light of the chandeliers which was the signal to attack.

All at once the umbreons attacked and sounds of screams, commands, and grunts could be heard as the jolteons, flareons and galceon tried to figure out what was going on.

Being an umbreon meant light could see better in the dark and he immediately targeted the three mons in front of him, he slashed at the jolteon but was surprised when he barely dodged the attack, receiving only a slash at his armor.

The jolteon immediately took out his sword and stood in a defensive position infront of the two royalties.

"are you two okay, you majesties?" he asked.

"yes" flake replied meekly, not being able to see anything.

"what Is happening?" cinder asked, reaching under his cape to take out two golden short swords.

Night didn't waste a moment and dashed towards the before delivering a blow to his side with his scythe and then knocking him off his feet with a kick.

The flareon lunged at him by following his sound but he leapt to the side and charged towards the glaceon.

But before he could reach her he was tackled by the jolteon and crashed onto a pillar.

He grabbed his side as he glimpsed the jolteon dragging the glaceon through one of the exits.

"drako is going to kill me when he finds out about this" night sighed and saw the flareon fighting against two umbreons.

"lets at least take this one out" he thought and charged at the flareon...

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