Hardships ( 2 )

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Star POV-

"walk like on air, move like in water" my tutor instructed as the two of us danced in the middle of the marble lined floor.

"good, now take light breaths as you perform the swirls and the jumps" the sylveon instructed and performed the steps as I copied her movements.

An hour later

"your doing marvelous princess" the sylveon smiled and my mother entered the room.

"hows my lovely daughter doing?" the queen smiled and the other sylveon bowed her head and left the room. The two of us sat down on the couches opposite to eachother.

"my tutor said that my dancing is improving and soon I will be able to learn the rest" I replied and my mother nodded.

"that's good to know, soon your going to take the role of maihime" she smiled.

"yes" I replied.

"and find a husband to be your prince" my mother added and I groaned.

"do I have to?" I whined and my mother gave a small giggle.

"of course, as a princess you will have to marry one day or another" the queen replied and ringed a bell. After a few minutes an attendant came into the room.

"how may I be of service, your majesty?" the attendant asked, bowing her head.

"Bring us some Darjeeling tea ( yes Darjeeling exists cause I love the flavor a lot ) " she ordered and the attendant nodded before leaving out the room.

"but there are no males out there that I like" I pouted and my mom gave me a curious look.

"what about len? He seems like a nice boy and hes known to be the best in the training grounds" my mother said and I just shrugged.

"lens my friend" I replied. My mother gave me an are you sure? Look but said nothing else.

I then hugged my mother and left the room not even waiting to join her for some tea and walked off towards the flower gardens located outside of our castle about a few minutes' walk east.

After reaching the entrance of the flower garden I climbed the fence and landed on inside the garden. A shiny sylveon sat on a chair in the middle of the garden and she seemed to be expecting me as she smiled and gestured to me to come closer.

"what brings you here today? Little star" the sylveon smiled.

I felt comfortable since she didn't use formalities and just spoke to me as one would speak to a friend.

"I was wondering if you could tell me more about your life as a maihime, melaine" I said as she smiled and got up from her seat, then she motioned to me to join her as she walked down a path leading deeper into the garden.

"well, where to begin" she teased as the two of us walked past various flowers.

"once when I was recently appointed as a successor of the previous maihime, lady amethyst. I enjoyed the times where I had all the time to myself, I loved dancing so it helped having to do the sacred dance every season turn" the sylveon said and we reached a circular marble floor right in the center of the garden. She walked to the floor as looked at me, I then joined her. Then she began dancing slowly and smiled at me to join her.

"after a few weeks of being the maihime I visited the jolteon kingdom on a diplomatic mission with the queen. During my stay there I met a particular shiny jolteon" she moved as if she was light like a feather and I was amazed by it all.

"what happened then? Did you fall in love with him?" I asked eagerly as I copied her steps.

"yes" she smiled" it was love at first sight, for the both of us"

"what happened then?" I asked and she stopped dancing, her facing showing a light sorrow but she smiled at me, though sadly.

"when I asked him if he would come back with me to the kingdom he refused, he said that the peace treaty, which the mission was meant for didn't go well and thus the two kingdoms were enemies still. He was loyal to his kingdom you see so here I am" she sighed and patted my head.

"always know that if not careful, love can destroy you" she said in a calm voice, but I could hear the sorrow in it.

"now lets continue, shall we?" she said and I nodded.

The two of us danced for the rest of the day....,.

Cinder POV-

three days had passed since the leafeon incident and I was constantly busied with training so that one day I might succeed my fathers throne.

"why do I have to be the next heir to the throne" I whined silently in my room" my brothers the eldest and hes clearly better than me"

"that's because you brother is an imperial" a voice replied and I jumped back in surprise.

Ashfel chuckled at my actions and I glared at him.

"don't scare me like that!" I exclaimed and he just patted my head before sitting down on my bed, I joined him.

"so, I guess you don't want to become a king?" he asked.

"no. all these responsibilities and pressure just isn't for me" I replied, sighing.

"well, knowing our father im sure he wont give you a choice" he replied.

"why me? You would make a better king" I whimpered.

Because" he replied, putting a paw on my head" im an imperial"

"you said that already, why does being an imperial mean you cant rule a kingdom?" I asked.

"an imperial is a role of great honor throughout all the eight kingdoms. Each imperials have a title and each are known to posses incredible talent in battle, the problem though Is that once an imperial you cant posses anything of your own, you cant marry, have a family and all those things. You are like a guardian and therefore must not have any attachments" he said.

"oh.....i didn't know that" I replied.

"its fine" he smiled" Im sure you will make a great king"

"I hope your right" I smiled back.

"now then, how about having a sparring match with your big brother rather than glooming in your room?" he said with a smirk and I returned it.

"why not? Im obviously going to win anyways" I taunted.

"oh yeah? We'll see about that" he laughed and the two of us headed off towards the training grounds, throwing playful taunts and threats at each other along the way.

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