Chp 2: Leafeon kingdom.

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( lily: exams tomorrow wish me luck >w< )

 A leafeon sat on a tree as he played a melody, an eevee ran up to the tree and climed onto a branch before smiling at the leafeon.

" big brother!" the eevee shouted as she hugged the leafeon who laughed and patted her head.

"what are you doing here, rose?" he asked as the little eevee took his harp and smiled at him.

"you promised you would teach me how to play the harp" she said, the harp in her hands.

" oh yeah, I did" he remembered and then smiled at boyish eevee." Lets get started then shall we?"

The little eevee smiled brightly and gave the harp back to the leafeon. Blade taught rose the basics and how each of the strings posses a soul of their own which creates a harmony when combined with the other strings, the two of them played the harp and had fun with eachother for a long while before a leafeon soldier came up to the three and bowed in front of blade.

" general, the queen asks for your immediate presence" he said and blade got down from the tree along with rose and nodded to the soldier.

"understood, I'll be there at once" blade replied and the soldier left the area. Rose tugged at her brothers arm and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

" can I join as well?" she asked her brother.

"rose, it's a emergency" he said while patting the little eevee.

" you said that one day I could come with you on your meeting with the queen!" she argued and the leafeon sighed.

" ok ok, I'll let you come with me but promise me that you will behave in the queens presence" he said.

" I promise!" she smiled and the two of them walked of to the queens castle. They reached in front a massive oak tree that served as the queens castle and were met by the captain of the knights.

" welcome general" the captain bowed.

" whats the problem captain?" blade asked as the three of them walked into the castle and along the hallway.

" we have spotted a group consisting of 14 jolteons and 6 eevees in the forest. As of right now we don't know their intentions and are guessing that they are here to either spy or launch an attack on us" the captain replied.

" they aren't stupid to risk sending eevees to attack us" blade commented" have you captured any prisoners?"

"yes, two young eevees" the captain said as the two of them entered the throne room. The queen sat on a throne made of wood and decorated with various flowers and two eevees were on their knees in front of her.

" ahh, general. Glad to see you could make it here on such notice" the queen smiled as blade, the captain of the leafeons and rose bowed In front of her.

" you requested my presence, your highness?" blade asked as he stood up from the floor.

"yes, there have been a report of intruders in our territory and I would like you to confront those intruders and find out their intentions for coming here" the queen replied and gestured to her guards who lifted the two eevees to their feet.

" these two eevees were found with the group of intruders and captured" the queen said as the two eevees stood there.

" like we said, we don't mean to cause any harm to you and your kingdom. We were journeying from the forest to the flowery plains" the eevee with an earring on his right ear said. Rose found the eevee quite interesting because he stood bravely in the presence of the queen and didn't falter or shiver even though a spear was pointed towards him.

" and why were you journeying to the flowery plains?" the queen asked the eevee.

"because the journey is part of our challenge" he replied, still facing the queen without faltering. The other eevee stood beside him and looked around the room before whispering something into his ear.

"what kind of challenge requires you to travel through the territory's of two different kingdom?" blade asked the eevee.

The eevee hesitated for a while before finally answering.

" the challenge is to choose the next recruits for the order of the knights" he replied slowly.

" the order of the knights? They are rumored to be the best among the eight kingdoms" the queen said to herself.

" how can we know if they are telling the truth you highness? For all I know they might be launching an ambush on us!" the captain exclaimed.

" why would our kingdom send eevees for an ambush?" costan argued.

"they are right captain, the jolteon kingdom aren't cruel enough to send young eevees to launch an ambush on us" the queen commented and looked down on the two eevees.

"it appears this was a misunderstanding and I owe you two an apology for capturing you" the queen said and waved her paw. The guards unlocked the shackled binding the eevees paws together.

" you two are free to leave and continue you journey" the queen said and turned to blade" general, please escort these two safely out of the forest"

" yes, your highness" blade bowed and walked out of the throne room with rose and the two eevees following behind him. They walked through the forest as rose talked with the two eevees.

"so, you have to go through other territories as a challenge to be chosen for the order of knights?" rose asked excitedly.

" yes and we have to aquire our swords in the icy mountains in the icy mountains of the glaceon kingdom" costan said proudly.

Light glared at him for sharing their objectives with an enemy and blade noticed the eevees glare.

" don't worry, we aren't you enemies" blade assured him as they passed a waterfall.

" the kingdoms have been in war for several years, how can we be sure that you aren't our enemy?" light asked the leafeon.

" because the leafeon kingdom tends to be neutral, that's the only reason why our queen decided to let you two go instead of locking you up in our dungeons" blade replied as they reached a clearing.

" over there lies the flowery plains which are the territory of the sylveon kingdom" blade said and the two eevees nodded before running off to the plains. Blade and rose stayed and stared as the two eevee disappeared from view before making their trip back to the kingdom.

Along the way they picked and ate berries from bushes and reached the front of the kingdom gates. When they did reach there though they found out that the trees were ablaze and some leafeons were lying on the ground with burn wounds on their bodies.

"rose, hurry and warn the others in the border villages. Tell them we're under attack!" blade said before running off into the gates.

Rose hurriedly ran to the nearest village in hope of finding mons who could provide backup but to her horror she found a group flareons standing in the middle of a blazing village. She hid behind a bush as the flareons laughed.

" this was easier than I thought, just one ember and they go running in flames" a flareon said.

"agreed, these leafeons are just weak leafs on a tree" another added as he used flamethrower on a still standing hut.

"we have to remember our mission" one flareon said sternly" capture every leafeon and bring them back as prisoners"

The other two nodded and walked off to the next village while the flareon commanding the two made sure that the village was properly burned.

"I got to tell big brother" rose thought and scurried back to the kingdom.......

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