I shook my head to release all negative thoughts and abolish these nonsensical overthinking. One of them could be a justifiable reason but how could i know? It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Scaramouche who was utterly bothered by my physical existence and not intellectual, shut the door right there and then.

Coming to my senses with his outburst, i once again fall on the door calling for him.

"Wait don't go! I'm not done, we need to talk!"

He ignored my calling and gave no response in return. "Please?"

After waiting there for quite a while and getting no confirmation from him i tried out a different method.

"Scara!! Can you please teach me sword fighting now that we skipped requests for today?"

Luckily my trick worked and he answered but not the predicted words i wished to hear "No."

Ugh, what are you? A brat?

"You promised you'll teach me once we come back? Remember?"

Opening the door, he rushed out and i followed him to the garden were he usually sparred with the army while shogun's sparring ground was the one beautiful chamber in the Tenshukaku.

I stood infront of him with a blade he tossed to use. The sparring ground was a beautiful place to relax more than to spar. It was a surrounded by a lot of cherry Blossom trees. and the weather was magnificent as always without the shoguns Madness get in the way. it was the right time to Spar with the wind blowing in our way. letting all the Blossoms fall around the place. most likely a heaven.

Looking at him, he was wearing a suitable dress for sparring though i continued to wear my usual clothing, the shrine maidens one. another thing that caught my attention was that he was holding a real blade instead of using some crafted wooden swords. I was just the Beginner. I had never experienced even holding a sword let alone fighting with the real one. It kind of concerned me but that concern wasn't for nothing. I had some suspicions about how is he going to deal with the situation. he probably had a more experience than I could ever have in my whole life yet i believed that he's doing all of this because it's some sort of a technique that can help me learn sword fighting easier and better or maybe even sooner.

He was just standing there holding that Sharp sword. I couldn't lie that I wasn't a bit terrified. could he possibly be using this as an opportunity to get rid of me? I thought so but if he really wanted to get rid of me then he would have done that already but let's not forget about how clingy I was to stay here. yet we formed a better friendship, I knew he was mad but the real problem was, why?

We planned before that he'll be teaching me sword fighting but now I just mention it because I just wanted him to get out of his room and talk to me no matter what the situation is, I just wanted him to talk. So after doing that we can go fulfill his promise.

As planned I spoke up first.

"what are we exactly going to do?"

"It's a challenge for you to see how much you can handle this."

He responded with the smirk on his face, I didn't have a good feeling about it so I asked again.

"What do you mean a challenge, what am I supposed to do? I've never wield the Sword in my entire life."

He convulsed maniacally then pointed his sword at me.

"Fight me. that's an order."

I sighed in disbelief. I don't know how is this the right way he's supposed to teach me.

dead soul(scaramouche x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now