Chapter 12

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I wake up in a strange house. In a bed that's not mine, in a room that has laminated flooring and a fireplace. There are gold lamps on either side of the bed, and a rug that looks like it was imported from Persia. The door creeks open slowly and a woman peeps her head in and says "Oh! Ms SinClaire! You're awake!" She strolls in and hands me a class of water. "I'm Alice." She says with a sweet smile. She has brown curly hair and honey coloured eyes, she has freckles scattered on her nose and her cheeks, she must be in her mid fifty's. "Where am I?" I say cautiously. "You're at the Waters residence, you've been here for three days. Quite a terrible ordeal you've been through, how are you feeling dear?" She walks closer to me and puts her hand on my forehead to feel its temperature. The memories come flooding back. The accident. I have a few gulps of the water she gave me and I set it on the nightstand. "W-Why am I here." I say shyly. "Oh, Mr Waters found you after your vehicle crashed, he brought you home and tended to you. I offered but he refused to let me touch you, he never left your side, day in and day out." I look around the room and I take everything in. I'm in Romans house?

Just as I bring my eyes to Alice, Roman stands leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed, he looks at me but HE looks different, his eyes are soft. "Good Morning." He says to me while smiling, Alice gives me a smile and says "See that buzzer on the nightstand?" I nod. "Press it if you need anything, something to eat, extra blankets, anything, and I'll be up in no time. It will be a pleasure to have you with us Ms SinClaire." She turns around and walks out.

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