Chapter 4

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I sit outside of Vixen with wide eyes and sweaty palms. I watch the building go up in flames and I flinch as windows shatter, he was here. The man who watches me. He did this. I have no idea what he wants with me. I sit on the sidewalk as I watch ambulances pull up in three's and inspect the people on the side walk. A few people have been injured, one man has third degree burns on his face and another woman is clutching her leg and screaming in agony as the paramedics attend to her. What just happened? I'm still drunk off my ass and I find it hard to fully grip the weight of the situation.

"Let's go Vi, C'mon baby, you gotta get up" Davina says as she pulls me up by my hand. I stumble over my heels and I look back at the club engulfed in flames and take her hand as we head back to the car. I stumble into my house and I toss my bag on the sofa, I head to the kitchen and grab a glass from the shelf and fill it up with water and I chug it down before filling it up and repeating. What the fuck? I feel like I'm going crazy. Why haven't I called the cops yet? Why haven't I told my brother or Davina about all of this? Will I be held accountable for the fire if I saw the man who started it and I didn't say anything? I mean it could have not been him.. but I know it was. This is too much to think about right now. I need to shower and I need to get to bed. My head will be killing me in the morning.

I climb the stairs and pull off my dress as I enter my bedroom, I start the shower and I throw my dress over my desk chair and I peel off my false lashes and remove my jewellery as I get ready for the shower

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I climb the stairs and pull off my dress as I enter my bedroom, I start the shower and I throw my dress over my desk chair and I peel off my false lashes and remove my jewellery as I get ready for the shower. I stop in my tracks for a moment as I realise that he is probably watching me. Can he see my bare breasts and my black lacey thong? Will he watch me as I soap myself up in the shower? The thought crosses my mind and I'm overwhelmed with rage and I decided to play his little game. That's what he seems to be doing, toying with me. Frightening me. I walk towards my bedroom window while keeping my breasts exposed and I peek out, I see nothing. I look around and I start cursing at myself at how stupid I must look right now.

Out of the corner of my eye I see something, I see him standing on the edge of the tree-line, I didn't notice him at first because he's dressed in all black. He has a motor cycle helmet on his head and I see a cellphone light up in his hand. My phone chimes. Then chimes again. My blood chills and I close my eyes before opening them again, hoping it's just Davina checking in. I walk over to my phone and I pick it up, taking a deep breath and trying to steady my racing heart before I click open.

Unknown Number: You looked delicious tonight.
Unknown Number: I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. Too bad some fuckers hands were all over you. Did you see your precious Evan after the fire? See you soon, pretty girl.

I stare at the text messages without a single thought in my head. I swallow a few times as I have flashbacks of the man standing in the club staring at me. It was him, he started the fire.. he burned the club to the fucking ground because someone else touched me? And I wanted it, I wanted Evan to touch me. I stare at the message for a solid five minutes before my fingers start moving across the keyboard

                          Violet: Who the fuck are you? Leave me alone, if you ever set foot on my property again I will be calling the cops, you fucking psycho!

He reads the text immediately and the three dots start dancing and my palms start to itch. Anxiety starts to creep in and I keep my eyes on the window. My cellphone chimes and I tear my eyes away to open the text.

Unknown number: I love it when you talk dirty to me.

Is he fucking serious?! Is this a joke to him?! Of course it is! I groan and I lock my phone and storm towards the window, I hear a motorcycle
humming before it purrs into a loud roar. Headlights flash through my window and blind me, I see him pulling off with his back wheel sliding side to side as I watch him ride into the trees and he is out of sight in seconds.

The next morning i wake up with the sun shining in my eyes, I clutch my head while groaning and suddenly all the memories from last night start to surface. The fire, the man on the motorcycle. Evan. I groan again and reach over to check the time on my cellphone. 10:40am. FUCK! I was supposed to meet Tyson for coffee forty minutes ago. I stumble out of bed and throw on a pair of Jean shorts and a white shirt before grabbing my sneakers and slipping my hair up into a high ponytail.

I walk into the coffee shop and shoot Tyson an apologetic look. I head for the counter and I order a caramel iced coffee with a double shot of espresso. I walk over to the booth where my brother is sitting and i kiss him on the cheek to greet him. "I'm so sorry, thank you for waiting, it was a long night" he laughs and says "Yeah no shit, you look like you haven't slept" I take a sip of my coffee and I nod "yeah something like that" Tyson laughs as he fiddles with his latte. He's nervous. "You okay?" I ask him. "Listen Vi, I wanted to talk to you about something. I met with the Lawyer a couple of days ago and he found something in mom and dads will" I knit my brows in confusion at him as he proceeds "They had a bank account set up for you. With two million dollars in" My eyes go as wide as saucers as I choke on my coffee and tap my chest. "TWO million dollars?" I whisper shout in shock. "Yeah... but.. you can't access the account until you've become of age. You need to be twenty one before the authorities can give you access to it" I nod as I do the calculations in my head. Okay, that's two years from now. No biggie. "I had the Lawyer check it out.. and Vi.. the account has already been drained. Exactly one month after mom and dad died."

I drop my head in my hands as I sigh "Well who else had access to the account?" I ask Tyson as I stare at the distressed coffee table. "Dunno" he days. "We can't exactly call up mom and dad to ask" he sniffs. Well, I guess that's it. Someone stole two million dollars from me and there's no way we can find out who it is or why they decided to rob me. I look at Tyson and my eyes trail to the TV behind him, a reporter named James Portland stands outside of the skeletal frame of Vixen and says "Good Afternoon, my name is James Portland coming to you live from outside of Vixen. Last night a fire broke out in the most well known night club in Louisiana. There were 5 people injured and one proclaimed dead. The family of Evan Richards has been notified and the cause of this tragic event was said to be an electrical mishap. Our prayers are with the severely injured and with the Richard's family"

My iced coffee threatens to work its way up and I suddenly feel light headed. "You good?" Tyson looks at me with his constant worried look. I shake my eyes from the tv and I look at my brother and give him a quick smile "yeah, yeah I'm good I just remembered that I had to pick up a few books from Davina soon" that was an absolute lie, Davina doesn't read. Evan is dead. And it's because of me. I might as well have his blood on my hands. I stand and kiss Tyson on the cheek and walk towards my car, I buckle myself in and I lean my head against the head rest to steady myself. I think for a few moments.. I should.. no. I shouldn't feed into his creepy antics. My eyes start to burn as I pull up my phone and click on the unsaved number and click text.

Violet: You killed Evan.

I drive home and I settle myself into the grey, plush sofa with a blankets and a book infront of the fireplace. I'm six chapters in and just as the enemies to lovers plot thickens my phone chimes.

Unknown number: WE killed Evan.

I stare at the text in disbelief. No the fuck we did not! I had nothing to do with this!

Violet: We? You killed Evan. Why? Why did you start that fire?

Unknown number: I don't know, I felt like it. I don't really take lightly to people touching what's mine. He had it coming. You let him touch you like that. If you wanted a cock all you had to do was say so baby.

Violet: I'm not yours. I belong to nobody.

Unknown number: you can run all you want. As soon as I have my dick inside of you, you'll want to be mine.

Claiming Violet (an ADULT stalker dark romance) Where stories live. Discover now