Chapter 5

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The Watcher

Violet sits on her sofa reading a book, it's a dark romance book. I took a look around her house and decided to look through a book that had a book mark in while she was doing grocery shopping a couple of weeks ago. The villain gets the girl, but she doesn't know that yet. I stare at her through the trees and watch her plump lips part as she licks her finger to turn the page. I watch as she moves her long black hair out of her eyes and how her cheeks flush, she must be reading a good part of the book. Her breaths are hitched, I can tell by the way her breasts rise and fall. She's horny, that brings a smile to my face so I decide to reply to her text. I watch her every move, seeing her afraid and frustrated makes my cock strain against my jeans.

I decide to let her be for the rest of the day. I'll have my fun with her tonight. She asked me about the fire, and my motive was simple really, the little fuckers hands were where they weren't supposed to be. He's lucky I didn't decapitate him in front of all of those people, but that would have been traumatic for my pretty girl. As everyone was exiting the club, I made sure she saw me. Saw what I was capable of. I grabbed Evan and dragged him to the woods, he begged me for his life of course, but.. I don't know, I just didn't believe that he was sorry. He groped on my girl and expected to not be fucking cut open? Be fucking serious. I started with those hands he so freely let roam over her hips and her breasts, the memory stirs unfiltered rage deep within me. I broke his fingers one by one. He screamed and was pleading for me to tell him what he had done wrong. I scoffed at that, let out a hysterical laugh actually. After I snapped all ten of his fingers like twigs, I drove a knife through both of his palms and pinned him to the floor of the woods. I hovered over him and kneeled down next to him and I searched those muddy-piss coloured green eyes and I said "Hi Evan, we haven't met yet, but you planned on fucking my girl tonight" I grabbed an extra knife I brought with me and trailed it down his face, he screamed out in agony as I watched blood squirt from his face. "I'm a very understanding man Evan, I am, really" I said through his screams while picking an invisible lint off of my black pants and inspecting it after. "So I'm just a little confused as to why you thought you could touch what's mine" I said. I held the knife tighter in my hand and sliced his throat open from ear to ear. It was a very eventful evening if you ask me.

I stand outside of Violets house and I check my wrist watch. Eleven thirty. Just on queue her bedroom light switches off, I smile to myself. I wait a few extra minutes before i make my way up the porch. I carefully pick the locks and make my way inside, her house smells so good. I can smell that she had a shower before bed, it smells like lavender shampoo and perfume, it's sweet and sultry. I inhale deeply through my nose as I bask in her scent. I make my way up the carpeted stairs and head for her bedroom, she sleeps with the door open and as I walk in I trace her body with my eyes. I circle her on light footsteps and I take note of her hard nipples through the thin fabric of her baby pink sleep shirt, she is wearing a pink thong and her one leg is draped over the other. Her tattoo on her ass is on full display and my mouth starts watering. I clench my jaw and keep my hands fisted at my sides, God I will ruin this girl.

I walk closer to her and I caress her as I move her hair out of her face and she stirs, her breathing evens out and I know she's still sound asleep. She is so beautiful, her plump lips are parted slightly and they are puffy from her deep slumber. Her dark lashes touch her cheeks and I can't help but trail my hand lightly down her chest and I graze her nipple. I throw my head back and bite the inside of my cheek to keep me from groaning. I force myself to pull my hand away, I reach into my pocket and pull out Evan's hummingbird pendant and I place it on her nightstand. A full smile pulls on my mouth as I imagine her shocked face in the morning when she finds it. I can just imagine her chest heaving and a mix of fear and rage taking over her. I pull at the peak on my jeans to relieve this pressure, this girl hasn't even done anything and she has my dick hard. Fuck her.

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