Ch 14

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It was awfully silent when Siya entered her grandmother's room after dinner. She didnt saw most of her family members at dinning table which she was greatful for.

But right now Aman, Shilpi and their two daughters along with their grandparents were present. Renu bua was as well standing there with a smile which was not at all a good sign.

She quit the formalities of greeting the elders. Sriniddhi was giving her disgusted glare as if Siya had slept with her boyfriend.

Siya rolled her eyes and faced Shanti.
"What is it that you want to talk about Mrs. Singh?"

"I want you to divorce your husband." Her grandmother said without any hesitation.

Anger rushed through Siya's veins as she registered her words. Offcourse, that's why they hadn't invited Aryaa. She would have already strangled her to death doesn't matter even if she was her grandmother.

But today Siya was also not going to show any fucking respect.

"What the fuck do you mean by DIVORCE?"

Avyansh was walking by the hallway when he heard Shanti's words. He gritted his teeth but didn't inturupt as he wanted to know what Siya's reply would be.

"Mind your language Siya!" Renu said.

"No you fucking mind your own business and don't tell me what to do and what to not. And absolutely don't tell me to divorce MY HUSBAND."

"He is mine." said Sriniddhi.

"Oh really? In which paper it's written he is yours? I want proof cause I can certainly give you my marriage certificate which states he is Mr Siya Singh. Can you give me any proof?" replied Siya proudly.

"No because you snatched him from me. But he will always be mine."

"Yah right! Leaving a guy who was all set to marry you makes him yours? Just because you treat him like a fucking toy whom you can play with and throw according to your convenience, doesn't mean he is a toy to me as well. He is MY fucking husband and mind your language because next time you call him yours, I will bloody kill you. Mar Mar ke manjolika bana dungi."

A proud smile adored Avyansh's face as he listened to her words.

"But does he consider you his wife as much as you consider him your husband.? Shanti's words made her freeze.

Offcourse, she did know about herself but Avyansh? Does he feels the same. The feeling to always stay by her side and never leave her no matter what.

"Don't forget Siya, you were forced on him. The bride he wanted was Shri not you."

Her words were true and that's the reason they hit her like a bitch. She recalled what happened since the time they were married.

"Think about it Siya and tell Aryaa to divorce Veer too."

Avyansh felt something crushed his heart because of his wife's silence as he knew he was the reason she couldn't reply to all those things. He knew his mistake and promised himself that he is not leaving Singh mansion before giving those people and his wife a proper reply about how he never wanted Siya but always needed her.


Aryaa sat angrily on the swing and as she recalled Shanti's words. Just like Avyansh, she was also passing by and accidentally herd the conversation.

Veer noticed his wife and came whistling towards her but stopped once he saw her serious expression.

"What happened?" He asked.


"Aryaa." He called out seriously. Veer most of the time called her 'baby' or 'chikchik'. So him calling her name meant he was up to no crap and wants her to reply seriously.

Aryaa sighed before replying, "My grandmother asked me and di to divorce you and bhaiya." She said softly as if the words itself pained her.

To say Veer was shocked would be an understatement. He knew something was wrong in their relationship and Shanti was not found of these two girls as much as she loved her other grandchildren. But he didn't thought that she could be this cruel to ask them to divorce their husband as if it was a piece of cake.

"Why?" Veer asked.

Aryaa scoffed "Offcourse so that you can marry your choosen or should I say wanted bride."

"And who said I wanted Pranidhi?"

Even him saying her cousin's name made her jealous. "Ain't that obvious. You choose her to marry. I just came in between." Anger was bubbling inside her.

Veer cupped her face and turned her towards himself. "You didn't came in between baby. How could you when there was nothing in between us?"

Aryaa scrunched her brows in confusion.
"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, I didn't choose Pariniddhi. We were arranged and haven't even met before the wedding rituals."

"Really?" She asked like a child and he tried to control his urge to just kiss her senselessly.

"But they always told us about their dates with you guys even though we didn't wanted to hear those." She asked confused.

"They lied to you baby. We didn't have any date. Can you seriously think bhai going on a date with someone offcourse except Siya bhabhi?"

Aryaa made a disgusted face imagining Avyansh on a date with Sriniddhi then shock her head vigorously in negative. "And you?" She asked softly.

"Ah....this beautiful husband of yours was waiting for his charming princess." He replied dramatically.

Aryaa slapped his hand and chuckled as well for a few minutes before giving him a tight hug.

He hugged her back and relaxed until he heard sniffles. He quickly pulled her back to inspect and saw tears running down her eyes.

"What happened baby? Don't you trust me? I swear chikchik what I said was true." He started panicking because Aryaa was the one who made others cry. Seeing her cry for the first time didn't settle fine with him.

"No....I trust's's just that I thought I would loose everyone. Maa, papa, badi ma, bade papa, dadi, bhaiya, Abeer, Pari......I thought I would loose you." The last line came out as a whisper.

"You would never loose any of us.......not me.......Believe when I say you and Siya bhabhi have become a very important piece of our family puzzle. I know we were married in different circumstances but I have lived the most beautiful memories of my life in these few days."

"Really?" A red nosed Aryaa asked.

Veer nodded and hugged her before asking "By the way......if you don't mind......can you tell me what happened between you guys?" He asked softly.

Aryaa understood he was asking about the relation she had with her family. After some time she nodded and started telling him.

Sorry for late post. Had my exams. Can't compromise with that now can I.


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