The memory of the heated argument with Taehyung hit him like a tidal wave. The harsh words he had thrown at his hyung, telling him to back off and let him live his life, echoed with painful clarity. The weight of his own dismissive words pressed on him, intensifying the guilt that clawed at his insides.

He questioned his own judgment, berating himself for disregarding the people who truly cared about him. Jungkook now understood the magnitude of his foolishness. The allure of Eunwoo's charm had clouded his senses, making him deaf to the genuine concern that surrounded him.

As he hugged his legs tighter, Jungkook's eyes stung with unshed tears. He wished he could turn back time, take those warnings to heart, and spare himself the agony he now faced. The realization of how he had pushed away the very people who cared for him cut through him like a knife.

In the silence of the room, regret became a bitter pill to swallow. Jungkook's heart ached with the weight of the consequences of his choices. The walls that once provided a false sense of security now closed in on him, trapping him in a cycle of self-blame and sorrow.

Jungkook's mind was a tumultuous sea, memories crashing against the shores of his thoughts. He reflected on the time after his grandmother's death, when the world seemed bleak, and the void she left felt insurmountable. Yet, in the midst of that darkness, Taehyung and Jimin had extended their hands, offering solace and understanding. They became a beacon of warmth in the cold reality he faced.

In the seven months with Eunwoo, Jungkook had believed he found a sanctuary-a place where he was accepted and cherished. Eunwoo's sweet words had woven a tapestry of confidence around Jungkook's insecurities. He remembered the nights spent in Eunwoo's dorm, the stolen moments of intimacy that seemed to promise forever. Eunwoo's compliments had become a lifeline, pulling him out of the abyss of self-doubt.

But now, those memories twisted into painful reminders of betrayal. The chuckle that escaped him was a bitter acknowledgment of how blind he had been. Eunwoo's words of love turned out to be hollow echoes, veiled intentions masking the truth of his lust. The intimate scenes they shared, the promises of eternal love-all shattered illusions that left Jungkook grasping at fragments of a broken dream.

As he traced the timeline of his own mistakes, a pang of guilt tightened his chest. He felt responsible not just for his own misery but for the life growing within him-the innocent consequence of his misplaced trust. The thought of dragging an innocent soul into the tangled mess of his life made him sick with regret.

Jungkook's mind, burdened with the weight of his actions, strayed to Taehyung. The realization struck hard that, indirectly, he had played a part in Tae's suffering too. The tendrils of guilt entwined themselves around his heart, squeezing tighter with every breath.

His breathing became uneven, a struggle against the overwhelming emotions that threatened to drown him. The room blurred, and Jungkook succumbed to the overwhelming darkness, surrendering to the exhaustion of both body and soul. In that moment, he wished for an escape, a reprieve from the torment that seemed unending. The realm of unconsciousness became a refuge, offering temporary relief from the harsh reality that now defined his existence.


The night air was heavy with concern as Taehyung wandered through the streets. His steps were hurried, eyes darting anxiously in search of any sign of Jungkook. Fear knotted in his chest, and the echoes of worry reverberated in his every heartbeat. He dialed Jungkook's number repeatedly, each unanswered call amplifying the dread that clung to him.

Streetlights cast long, eerie shadows on the pavement as Taehyung's mind raced with worst-case scenarios. Had something terrible happened to Jungkook? His imagination conjured images of accidents and confrontations, all centered around the fragile boy who had, once again, slipped through the fingers of protection.

A glance at the clock on his phone intensified the worry lines on Taehyung's forehead. The minutes felt like hours, stretching out into a seemingly endless night. Taehyung desperately searched every corner of their familiar streets, retracing his steps as if a miracle would reveal itself in the shadows.

His phone buzzed, and the anticipation spiked. Hope flickered as he saw Jimin's name on the screen. Answering hastily, Taehyung's voice cracked with urgency, "Jimin, have you seen Jungkook? I've been searching for him everywhere."

Jimin's voice came through, calming yet tinged with concern, "Tae, I just got back to the dorm, and you won't believe where I found Jungkook."

A jolt of relief surged through Taehyung, his grip on the phone tightening. "Where is he? Is he okay?"

"He's in your room, Tae. Asleep," Jimin replied, the words sinking in slowly.

Taehyung's steps faltered, and his worry transformed into a strange cocktail of confusion and gratitude. "In my room? Why would he...? I've been looking for him everywhere."

Jimin's voice was gentle, "Maybe he just needed some time, Tae. Head back to the dorm first. We can talk when you'll be here."

Relief and bewilderment clashed within Taehyung as he made his way back to the dorm, guided by the calming reassurances of Jimin's voice. The weight of worry began to lift, replaced by a renewed determination to understand what had transpired.

When they reached the dorm, Taehyung pushed open the door to their shared space. The soft glow of a lamp illuminated the room, revealing Jungkook curled up on Taehyung's bed. The sight tugged at Taehyung's heart, the vulnerability of Jungkook in his sleep casting away the shadows of doubt.

Jimin's eyes met Taehyung's, and he gestured towards Jungkook. "He looks exhausted, Tae. Maybe he'll share what's bothering him when he's ready. Let's give him some space for now."

Taehyung nodded, his gaze lingering on Jungkook's peaceful slumber. He felt a mixture of emotions-gratitude for Jimin's help, confusion about Jungkook's actions, and an overwhelming desire to protect the person who had become so intertwined with his life.

Jimin left the room, leaving Taehyung alone with the sleeping figure. As he settled into a chair, watching over Jungkook, the unanswered questions lingered in the air. The night held its secrets, and Taehyung knew he needed patience-a virtue he would willingly embrace for the sake of unraveling the mystery that shrouded Jungkook's restless soul.

 The night held its secrets, and Taehyung knew he needed patience-a virtue he would willingly embrace for the sake of unraveling the mystery that shrouded Jungkook's restless soul

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