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Level 6 is happening next week. i don't know how to feel. thrilled to get back at those who wanted to kill me. or sad for them that they don't see any other way through. if only they would talk to me. tell me why they are doing this to me. if only there were some road map telling me where to go from here. During this week in class we've been learning how to transform. It brings me back to last year when Ken turned into a bear and wrapped himself around me. It was surprising, but I've seen so many weird things in this world I assumed it was normal. Now, I will have to transform myself.

Amy along with the other blanks do not have this ability. The only blank that can transform is a translator. There are a few of those in the class that I hadn't noticed before. transforming for me hasn't been the easiest thing to learn. So far I haven't had any results, which could be discouraging if that hadn't been my entire senior year of high school here. Amy and I are thankfully in the same class so it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. This class mainly focuses on honing in on different aspects of our power, one of which the animal we can transform into. The teacher has a list of all of the textbooks that identify the individual abilities of each animal and how they have been used in the game in the past.

there's a strategy class that talks about the different obstacles built into higher level bases. there are traps we are told how to avoid and how to recognize. There is even a section of strategy devoted to how teams have been divided up to clear these obstacles according to their abilities.

My other class is focused on ability based variations of power. For recent times I have been using a lot of electricity balls to shock people, sadly that won't work forever. There are a variety of different techniques that they have been trying to show us how to do. Usually it involves how someone moves their hands, and the motion that it presents. This then transfers into what move they do.

My last class is about tactics. This is where we learn the different positions in the game and what each of them entail. Of course there are positions that I knew of already, like those who stay in the healer bay or those that are map builders, but there are others that are new to me like the scavengers which collect materials, or even the spies that are sent to seek out each section of the opposite base's plan. It's all so complicated and overtime it just gets crazier.

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