It's weird seeing the woman in person that destroyed our world. And then to have her act like that is weirder. What's even more weird is Veronica's reaction. She looks uncomfortable, although almost imperceptible. My eyes wander towards Katie, the first person that stands up and physically leaves the room. Although others follow, her golden hair is the only one I follow. Oddly enough I feel rejuvenated even though I haven't taken any medication. But seeing her, only makes my heart hurt more. Kally and Luke head out with me towards the shuttle. Back to Jaden University. Although Luke wanted to transfer to army they wouldn't let him do the switch. My thought is they still want him to help with the power depleter. Even if they can't kill her in the game. That only makes me more nervous.

The minute I walk through the school doors I know things will be very different this year. There is a security guard at each door. A security guard in each hallway. The classrooms are decked out with the black orbs on each desk that expand as a student is less productive, or distracted until it traps them in black goo. The library is filled with students twenty four seven. The lessons are perceptively harder. No matter how I look at it, this place is nothing like it was last year. The teachers talk different too. They talk as if every battle is as important as the last. They talk as if this is how we prepare for war. This is how we are going to defeat the opposite team. It's not about learning, it's about beating the other team. It's about cementing our place at the top.

I gulp as I head to the dorms. Already they look different. Each room has a key pad, and a camera sensor at the center of the door. There are two alasians per room. Luke is my room mate. The two beds are on the opposite sides of the room. And at one side of the room is a chart with the schedule. When students are not in classes they have scheduled study sessions, scheduled grade checks, and all meals are necessary to eat together with the entire team. They use this time to define roles that each of us will be taking on during the game. Like we're pieces to a puzzle. Like each of us has as much chance of winning or losing the entire level on our own. It's all on us.

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