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The arena is packed with familiar and unfamiliar faces as we all file into our seats. As of right now, Jaden University is still in the lead. Mostly because of what happened on the last level of last year. We can't keep losing if we want to beat them, which means I need to work harder. Although I have to work harder I also have to think about my safety and how many people are trying to backstab me. What I learned from last year is they could be on my team or the other team. They can come from anywhere, and they will speak lies if only to make themselves look better. What they did, what all of them did and are doing, is unforgivable. I guess that makes what I did on the train unforgivable to. I can't believe I still worry about Ken. I can't believe I still want to give him energy after everything he's done to me. I can't believe that I can't figure a way out of my feelings even though I know it's the necessary thing. I need to get over him. But the way he kissed me. The way he begged me to stay. It was almost like he meant the words coming out of his mouth. Which is what makes him so dangerous. I don't know what parts are true and what parts are false.

"Good evening students," the man that steps up to the center of the platform looks wiry and old.

"I am going to be the mediator for the upcoming levels of the game. I'm sure you've all noticed the differences in the stadium already, the onlookers are positioned in movable chairs, and you will also notice that the chairs have seat belts are in rows, and function like a tram. Finally for the first time in our history, everyone will be able to watch the entirety of the game. Surrounding each level is a set of rows, made for observers to slide around and witness whatever they so wish, but it's not the only difference. If your stats are low, there will be Easter eggs hidden among the levels. Easter eggs that will help give you the best access to destroying the other base. There will be constant video footage of the game, that alasians can view the game from the comfort of their own home. Congratulations to make it to your second year at University. May the best team win."

A smile creeps onto my face. They won't be able to kill me in the game this time. But then it makes me frown. There's only one way around it. To kill me during my time at the university.

"Now without further ado, I will have the presidents of each of the schools' give their own welcome speech," two people step up next to him. One I recognize as Veronica Kelly, the other is no other than my own mother, Victoria Hardens.

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