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My hand flies to my watch.

"Katie," she picks up the phone within two rings. "Katie, he's going to die, I need your help."

"On my way," and then she hangs up.

We wait, my eye on my watch. I don't know how the visitor policy is here, but I'm sure it's not welcoming.

As the time passes my eyes turn to my other hand. The one holding the crumpled piece of paper in my fist. I unravel it in a jacket I shove on, covering it in all directions. I know this is going to be something tyranny related.

Sure enough it says...

"I told Kassie that what happened to Terrence was wrong, and her mom is hiding things. We need her to find out from the creatures what happened twenty years ago if we want to get anything done for the future, but she won't let me talk to her about it again," my eyes widen as I look from the paper to her. And I'm about to say something when a knock comes at the door.

I get up cautiously and open it. Did someone see what I was reading on the camera? But no, it's Katie. I blink my shock off of my face as I stare down at the visitor pass hinged around her neck.

"I need to be fast, they give me 45 minutes," and she steps past me into the room. Racing towards the other side she climbs into the bed and pulls Ken into her. It's so intimate that Kally and I instinctively look away.

Then Kally does something unexpected, she sticks her hand out to me, "give me it," she remarks.

I hand the crumbled paper to her which she passes to Katie. Katie reads while one hand rakes through Ken's hair. He turns over and crushes his body against her, like he's trying to memorize her.

Katie hides the paper in the mess of his hair and their limbs, but when she is done she holds out her hand for something.

"Give me the pencil," she indicates. Kally steps up and gives her a pencil. She scratches something down and hands it to Kally.

We both look at each other and hide the note between us.

"It's our only way of figuring out what's going on. My mom won't talk.

Thanks for fighting them."

Kally and I look towards her and word noiselessly.

"For Terrence," and she nods, a sad smile on her face.

The door bangs again.

We all jump, I gulp and step towards it. Who could it be now? 

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