CHAPTER 10 - Consequences

Start from the beginning

I just nodded to her before she stand up and go buy some food.

After she came back with a plate of food and a glass of water, she sat down Infront of me and put the plate in front of me.

"Enjoy your food"

My eyes were beaming as I saw the food. I just grabbed the food with my hands by the way.

"Aiii! Why are you eating like that?!"

'Because I like it like this! Just let me do what I like...'

"Hmmm...okay tell can tell me as you eat"

'Okay, but... I already told you everything that I know though'

"No you're not...what exactly your mission is...since when are you here. How can you be here"

'Okay, by one alright?'

And there I stop eating my food and stare at her first.

'The first day I was here... I was in the middle of the sea...but I blacked out. Then, I woke up here...I also didn't know how long I've been here... nor do I know how long I was unconscious here'

She then nodded her head.

"And then?"

'I was will I find my way to him...the universe says, I will eventually find him...and that was actually I wandered around my ward... I stumbled upon him. And I am 100% sure that was him...even though he was not looking like he used to be before'

"But I'm curious...Just why are you willingly came down to earth to fullfil his wishes anyway? That was the wishing star works. Other than 'this' got nothing to do with you, there's many other options then descended here. So why are you choosing this option-"

'Just as I said before... just because I wanted to do so'

She eyeing me like she suspected me on something.

"Do you actually just find an excuse to meet him?"

I coughed up my food as she said those words. She quickly handed me the cup of water and I drank it to relieve my throat.

'H-hah?! What??...well...'

I said start to looking away...

"I already expected not wrong for you to choose this option...but you know that this was wayyyyyy too much risky for you, right?"

'I know...but I promise this mission will succeed okay...'

"And how can you be so sure?"

I was stunned for a moment, thinking before answering her question.

'Because...because he gives a positive response when he sees me... I'm sure he also likes my presence around him. And that will make my job easier'

"Are you this person?"

Am I?

'I...I do like him..I like the way he looked...the way he talked... In fact I like everything about him, that...I just want to fulfill his wishes so that he will be happy'

Somehow... I can sense the disappointment in her eyes after I said those sentences...her face now plastered with worried looking face.

"Chawarin...looked... it's not wrong for you to admire him must know that you should not grow a strong bound to human if it's not related to your mission... remember that you are here just because of your works... remember if you are so detached to him it may bring a bad consequences to you"

'I know! Don't worry to much I know how to work on this'

"You know that it'll also bring bad consequences to him too right?"

As she told me that, I stop eating and look at her again. I frowned as I didn't understand what she was talking about.

'What do you mean?'

"Don't you know? Or did you forget? just pretending you didn't know?"

I tried to recall if the universe ever mentions about consequences to the person...but it seems like I can't recall it. In fact... There's non.

'So...what consequences?'

She sighed.

"I can't believe you just agreed to this even before knowing the full deal about this thing"

Then she continued.

"Are you seriously didn't know? I believe you well aware that you have a deadline being here in the world. If you didn't succeed on your mission. As an example, imagine your time already up even before you succeed your mission, you still can comeback to become one of the star in the sky, right?"

I nodded my head before she continued further.

"But...As for the person whose wish you want to make come true, there will be a bad consequences for him...once your time is up here, the universe will bring you back to be part of the universe again, but....since your and his soul has been tied together from the moment you landed your feet here, his soul will simply followed you there as well. You see, it's like an exchange for your time walking as a human being here...And that other words...he dies... If you failed to carry out your mission which was actually his wishes...the price will be his life"

To be continued...

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