Gingerbread Houses - 1

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Chapters - 9/9

Alternate Universe - Modern Setting

Genre - Fluff and Smut, Romantic Fluff, Warm and Fuzzy feelings, Christmas Smut

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A romantic, fun and festive Chaennie story. Rosé owns a coffee shop. Jennie is a writer and uses the coffee shop as her office. Rosé is adamant Jennie's straight but is goaded into flirting.

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Chapter 1: I have an infallible gaydar

Cupid's Cafe wasn't a bad place to work, though the boss could be a bitch, Rosé mused to herself. She was said boss and knew that the underlings occasionally made fun of her using the name, The Captain, but hell she deserved it. Cupid's Cafe was her place and it was her money on the line. She was good to them - considerate of their shift requests, generous with pay - there was no keeping ten percent of tips from the staff at Cupid's Cafe, one hundred percent went to the staff and none to her even if she'd been working alongside them. The coffee shop was clean and had an awesome atmosphere with it's wooden coffee bar, comfy couches, hidden niches, fireplace, and the spiral staircase to the mezzanine. There was free wifi and tons of space and on Friday nights she even brought in bands. People wanted to work for her and when they got a job they were loyal. If they weren't loyal they were fucked because Rosé had a reputation and if she banished you, it didn't speak well for you.

'Hey boss,' Lisa, her shift supervisor and her senior by two years, sauntered in and paused before heading out the back.

'Can you stay for an hour after we close? I'll pay double.'

'Sure. Why?' Lisa frowned.

'It's that time of year,' Rosé admitted with a frown of her own.

'Christmas decorations,' Lisa grunted and nodded before disappearing. Rosé wasn't a big Christmas person. She didn't love the whole eggnog latte and peppermint hot chocolate and all that, but the patrons did and Rosé was smart. She'd bought Cupid's Cafe four years earlier when she was eighteen, against the advice of everyone. But it was her money, her inheritance, and she wanted the coffee shop. She had a vision for the coffee shop, and she'd shown everyone what she could achieve. She now had a chain of Seven, but this one, this was her baby, the original one in LA. People talked about her place and she'd even been in the newspaper, the article touting her entrepreneurial genius. Of course entrepreneurial genius did not equate to romance success, not at all. She sighed and her eyes yet again flitted over to the girl in the corner.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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