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Chapter 2: Fucking fairies

Chapter 2: Fucking fairies

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Well, you suck!  Haha, get it, because you're a vampire and suck blood...


Shoot me. Shoot me now.


Why? You're bullet-proof and immortal. It wouldn't do anything.


It was a figure of speech!


It was ironic, though Jennie with a snarl, that if you were to ask a human what was the most frightening creature, most of them would answer vampire. Not a single one would even think a fairy to be in that same realm. To humans, fairies were lovable—small creatures with bell shoes and glittering dust. Tinker Bells.

They were wrong.

In reality, Jennie knew it was quite the opposite. She was a vampire, after all, and she was perfectly respectable. When humans thought of her kind, it was frightening exaggerated images, graphic movies of immortal beings with piercing fangs ripping humans apart like cattle. Which, okay, was not far off with some of her kind—but the majority weren't like that. The majority were just like Jennie, and her days were filled with a mundanity no human could scarcely imagine for a supernatural creature.

Every night, she woke early, the moment the sunset, to go for a run. She didn't need it, and she always had to remind herself to feign panting breaths if she was in proximity to a human, but it was a habit from her own human days so many years ago. It cleared her head. She found herself running three or four miles at least before rounding back to her home, a large loft at the top of the old NYC tower she'd bought half a century ago. She microwaved herself a cup of blood for breakfast and read the paper before getting dressed and heading to the NYC Incorporated, nodding a formal hello to her receptionist Wendy before sweeping into her office, where Lisa waited with the latest reports. It was business as usual, every day, and if Jennie was being honest, it was quite dull. Certainly not what any humans would expect.

Meanwhile, fairies—Jennie grit her teeth just thinking about them—were not exactly the pixies humans made them out to be. This one, for example—she narrowed her eyes, watching critically as the blonde huffed and puffed, face a bit red with exertion, dragging an enormous box Jennie could have easily held aloft with one hand into the living room—this one happened to be the most infuriating, annoying creature on the planet.

"Well, you could have already been asleep if you'd shrink down your fat swollen arrogant head and just helped me carry this in."

Jennie scowled. "No one forced you to bring those in right now. You could have waited until night fell, then I could have retrieved them with you. I'm not rewarding your stupidity by giving you want I want." She regretted the words as soon as they left her lips, knowing exactly how Rosé would twist them.

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