Mama, what was the special present mommy gave you last night?

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"Did you get it?" Lia asked Felix as he came into the room with the new iPad.

"There is something on it, but I haven't watched it yet," Felix said. The new iPad that he got as a gift from his mother, Lisa, had a good camera. And he and the little Lia wanted to catch Santa in the act.

It was Christmas, and young Felix managed to get his mothers to agree that he spend the night at the Park's house. He and little Lia were best friends, and they had been planning a way to catch Santa since the first snowfall. And the opportunity was this, leaving the iPad camera on all night until Santa Claus showed up.

"Well, let's see it," Lia said impatiently.

Just like her mother, Jennie.

They sat on Lia's bed and started to watch the recording, just to only see Lia's parents putting the presents under the tree.

Rosé was laughing about a special present that Jennie was giving her later. After that and some kisses - that makes the children's scream yuck -, they gathered two large packages under the tree. And then Rosé suddenly ate the cookies that were left out for Santa.

"Where is Santa?" Lia asked, shocked by her mama's actions. "Why did mama eat the cookies?"

"I do not know." Felix moved quickly through the recording, and there was no Santa in it anywhere. "But let's find out," he says as they get up and go down to the kitchen.


Jennie looked up from the scrambled eggs and smiled. "Are you two ready to open the gifts that Santa left you? I see you are already playing with the iPad Lisa gave you, Felix."

"Mommy, why didn't Santa come last night?" Lia asked straight to the point.

Just like her mother, Rosé.

"Santa was here, Lia. And if he wasn't here, where did all those gifts come from?" Jennie said with a smile.

"No, he didn't, and we have proof," Lia said. As she takes the iPad from Felix's hands and hit play on the video.

Jennie looked at the video and watched, then blushed as she heard what they were talking about. "Oh well. We were just helping... That's all."

"What's going on? Why are the eggs burning? And why are you two not opening the gifts that Santa left you?" Rosé says as she came into the kitchen.

"Oh!Shi..." Jennie pulled the eggs off the heat and sighed heavily. "Ask your daughter, Rosé."

"Well?" Rosé looked at Lia as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"You ate Santa's cookies!" the little girl pouted.

"What is she talking about?" Rosé asked, looking at Jennie.

"Felix used his new iPad camera last night. They were trying to catch Santa as he put the gifts under the tree," inform Jennie.

"He did?" Rosé looked like she had just gotten caught. She took a sip of her coffee and looked at Jennie's blushing face.

"Yeah, but all I got was you and aunt Jennie," Felix said.

"Mama, what was the special present, mommy gave you last night?" Lia innocently asked Rosé.

Who choked on her coffee.

There really wasn't anything else she could do, so Jennie laughed. They knew this day was coming, but she had wished that it just wasn't so soon.

Felix was nearly eight and as smart as his mother. Jisoo and Lisa would have a lot of problems with this one, that's for sure. After all, nothing less would be expected from Lisa's son.

And Lia just turned six, but the girl was a lot. She was the perfect mix of Jennie and Rosé, but with a hint of personality that always surprised both women.

Her curiosity...

She could only have been six, but in those six years, the little girl has managed to put her mothers in every situation possible.

A call to the police one night, for example.

Rosé is sure that she will never manage to forget that particular night. And if it were up to Jisoo, she'll surely remember it forever. So it's not a surprise that the two children came up with a plan to capture Santa in action.

"Jennie, this is not a time for laughter," Rosé said as she caught her breath after choking. "I'm going to kill Lisa."

"We knew that we would have to fess up someday." Jennie reminded. "Sit down, and we will explain."


Lia and Felix sat at the table and looked at the two-woman with expectant faces.

"Jennie, I don't think...." Rosé started, as she tried to give her wife a warning look.

"We help Santa every year by putting out the gifts and putting things together. And Rosé always eats the cookies." Jennie tells them, ignoring the other woman.

"Hey!" Rosé exclaimed.

"Well, you do." Jennie tilted her head and raised her eyebrows at her wife.

As soon as Rosé opened her mouth to protest, the front door opened, and an energetic Lisa called out.

"Where is everybody? Where is my little baby?"

"We are in the kitchen," Jennie called back; at the same time, Felix answers his mother.

"Here, mom!"

"Did you burn the eggs?" Lisa asks as she came in, wrinkled her nose, and kissed her son's head.

"Yes, she did, and it's your fault, aunt Lisa," Rosé says as she pointed to the video.

Lisa looked confused. Then she picked up the iPad, watched the video, and started laughing.

"At least they didn't catch Jennie giving you your present like I did that year we all celebrate together," Lisa said between laughs.

This time it was Jennie who choked on her coffee.

When she managed to catch her breath, Lisa looked down at the two confused faces staring up at her.

"Just remember that Santa is real because we believe he is. He is magic. Jennie and Rosé are just helping him out." The thai girl said, winking at the other pair of women.

"That's what they said," Felix murmured as he glared at his aunts.

"Aunt Lis, does Aunt Jisoo give you special presents at Christmas like Mommy gives Mama?" Lia asked after some minutes, whit her little brown eyes looking directly at her aunt.

A silence came over the kitchen. Jennie and Rosé, looking at their daughter with wide eyes. And Lisa?

Lisa grinned as soon Jisoo walked through the door with her arms full of presents. "Oh yeah. She absolutely gives."

And whit that, Jennie blushed and shook her head.

Rosé choked on her coffee again.

Jisoo looked at them, confused.

The children finally moved on to open their gifts.

And this is just another Christmas morning at the Park's house.

Chaennie VS Coffe who won?

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