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Friday had finally arrived, and Rosé couldn't be more pleased. The week had dragged, an endless monotony of work, and work-related drudgery. It's been an overtime every day ordeal that had seen her creeping home in the middle of the night, well past her son's bedtime when even her wife had given up waiting and gone to bed alone. It was over now though, and thank god for that. Relieved it was finally her weekend off, she set her car in gear and rolled from the parking lot into the usual evening traffic. The drive home was the same as it always was, possible to manage mostly on autopilot and ripe for daydreaming about what she'd do when she finally got home.

First, she'd shed any and all reminders of work and change into something more comfortable – maybe sweats, or maybe she'd skip that and go for the inevitable pair of pajamas and comfy slippers. Maybe she'd stoke up the fireplace for the evening and find a relaxing playlist to stream over the living room speakers, or she might just find an old movie to ignore as background noise. Either way, she'd lie back on the couch and sink into the cushions. Maybe Jennie would let her rest her head in her lap, or she might lie next to her – it wouldn't matter so long as she was there too – and they'd drift off into a well-deserved nap. Cozy couch cuddles were just what the doctor ordered – the doctor being a stressed 32-year-old who was absolutely not a doctor and grossly unqualified to prescribe such a thing. Mostly, she just wanted to hold her wife in her arms.

Before she knew it, Rosé was pulling into the paved driveway in front of her home and parking her sedan next to her wife's. With a spring in her step, she grabbed her bag from the passenger seat and headed for the door – only to have a small body collide with her legs as soon as she turned the handle and pushed it open. Rosé looked down to see a chocolate-smeared face beaming up at her.

"Mommy you're home!" Lia puckered up for a sticky kiss that had Rosé wiping her cheek clean afterward.

"Hey, baby! How was your day?"

Lia immediately launched into a story about her time at daycare, where she'd made the biggest sandcastle ever with Yeji and got to feed the rabbits while the little kids had nap time. Rosé listened intently while she swapped her heels for her beloved fluffy slippers and tossed her coat on a hook in the closet. When she was done, Lia fell quiet, her eyes pleading. Rosé couldn't deny her.

"Alright, hop on."

Shrieking with glee, Lia grabbed bodily onto Rosé's leg, wrapping her arms and legs tightly and clutching on like a limpet while she trudged through the hallway into the living room. She'd be too big for it soon, but it was a daily ritual they'd had since she was still in diapers. It was one of the things Rosé wanted to hold onto, at least for a little while longer.

"Hey baby," she said as she dropped onto the couch next to Jennie, leaning across to deliver a quick kiss. "I found this weird animal by the door again, did you let it in?" Jennie shook her head as Rosé extended her leg to show off Lia, still clinging on tightly.

"No, I don't know where it keeps coming from. Should I call animal control?"


With a determined nod, Jennie tapped on the blank screen of her phone and held it up to her ear. Lia giggled as she talked to nobody on the other end of the line.

"Hi, yeah, it's Mrs. Kim-Park again. Yes, that weird animal is back in my house again and it's got my wife's leg." Jennie stayed silent for a moment to allow the imaginary person to speak then gasped, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. "Cut her leg off? I don't know, that'd make a really big mess on my carpet and I just vacuumed. Is there really nothing else we can try? Oh! Yes, that sounds like a good idea, we'll try that. Thank you."

Rosé and Lia waited as Jennie placed her phone on the coffee table and stood up before them, hands on her hips.

"There's only one thing for it," she said with a solemn shake of her head. "I'm sorry it's come to this."

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