all's fair in love and quidditch - 4

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Chapter 4: denial isn't just a river in Egypt

If Rosé found herself heading to the Quidditch pitch later that night, it had absolutely nothing to do with Jennie Kim

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If Rosé found herself heading to the Quidditch pitch later that night, it had absolutely nothing to do with Jennie Kim. She was going to cheer on her best friend, that was the only reason-- why would she want to see that annoying Slytherin girl again, anyway? One interaction in a single day was more than enough to cause a headache, after all, and Rosé was no masochist.

And if Rosé found her eyes following the Slytherin Beater more than they followed Lisa during the game, well, that was only because Jennie insisted on being so terribly distracting. It was obvious she'd spotted Rosé sitting in the crowd, as every time she hit the Bludger (thankfully not directly at Lisa this time) her eyes immediately flicked over in Rosé's direction as if to see if she was watching. Rosé guessed that the girl thought she was being subtle, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes. What a show-off, Rosé scoffed to herself, albeit not with the same amount of venom that may have been used before.

Regardless, it seemed as if Jennie was on her best game that night, as was the Slytherin team as a whole. Unlike the last match Rosé had attended, it appeared like the two teams were more evenly matched for once. Lisa played skillfully as she always did, but even from far away, Rosé could tell that her best friend was being pushed to her limits by the Slytherins.

After an hour and a half, the allotted practice time was used up, and the game was ultimately declared a tie. As Rosé left the stands with the other people who had come to watch, it was like her feet developed a mind of their own. Suddenly she was walking in the direction of the Slytherin locker rooms, not because she wanted to of course, just... well, just because.

Rosé was stopped in her tracks by a familiar voice calling out her name from behind. The Head Girl turned around slowly to face her best friend, hiding her nerves with a bright smile.

"What are you doing here?" Lisa asked, clearly surprised to see Rosé at the match.

"I can't come to support my best friend?" Rosé released an uneasy laugh, trying to not look as awkward and out of place as she felt.

Lisa's eyebrows raised at that, and she crossed her arms critically. "Do you know how long I had to beg you to come to the game last week?" she pointed out. "Don't tell me you've suddenly developed an interest in Quidditch." Rosé knew that her cover was blown when the Chaser suddenly looked over Rosé's shoulder, clearly realizing the direction in which her friend had been heading.

"I know what's going on, why you're really here..." Lisa said slowly, and Rosé's stomach flipped. How can you know why I'm here when I hardly do it myself? "You're here to chew Kim out again, aren't you?" A huge smile appeared on Lisa's face, and she leaned forward to clap Rosé on the shoulder. "I don't know what she did to deserve it this time, but I appreciate your loyalty, R. Knock 'er dead!"

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