A Mixful Moon

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As multiple mixes form, Skarvs grab Yume's hand and drags her along, "C'mon!!," he says, worried, but determined, "We've gots to get Swetzer back!" Yume silently nods in agreement as Skarvs slithers as fast as it can.

Skarvs and Yume search and search, eventually finding a knocked out Swetzer with fading colors. Skarvs breathes a sigh of relief, "Oh Swetzer!! You're ok!" As Skarvs goes to hug her, Yume grabs his tail, "SKARVS!! Swetzer... doesn't seem like himself!!" Yume floats back a bit as Skarvs stops slithering, looking upon a fully nixed Swetzer roaring as they get covered in pitch black armor.

Yume notices Skarvs about to cry, but it holds back the tears, "Yume, let me into Swetzer's mind. Again. Right now." "Uhm, I'm not sure it'll wor-" "Do it," Skarvs insists, interrupting Yume. Yume begins utilizing ancient Goodnyght powers she had never tapped into before, "Well... you're the only one who could possibly do it! So uh... good mucking luck!! No pressure!!"

Yume tosses Skarvs into the newly opened mind portal, sending him into a darkening dream. Getting more and more impossibly black until-

*** *** ***

...well, Skarvs ends up knocking out. However, soon after it wakes up, "S-Swetzer? Where are-" Skarvs comes to in a field of bonflowers. Skarvs walks through the bonflowers, it seeming to go on for miles of bright, yellow and firey foliage. Swetzer dislikes the bonflowers nibbling his slithering tail, but continues on. As the field begins to wither—turning a dusty gray—Skarvs sees Swetzer on the horizon, held up by white, fleshy veins. Some... other thing is rummaging around, tearing up the chasmous lack of landscape behind Swetzer, seemingly looking for something within the fragmented memoryscape. "Where... is it. What... is it..." the creature says as white squishy veins slither up and out of the chasm, slowly creating a drained and eerie landscape... one of black and white.

Skarvs sighs, walking near a weakened Swetzer and towards the green and blue creature, "Hey! Wise guy! What's the big idea?" The creature whimpers in response, "Gah! S-stay away!!," almost as if they didn't want to be seen. Skarvs facepalms, "Look, I'm not sure what... your deal is... but I want to help my friend Swetzer!! I- how'd they even get permanixed again??" The monster looks behind itself, beyond the large fleshy chasm, then back to it's search, "I- yeah. That... may be my fault. I... I have orders to attend to."

Skarvs grows impatient, finally reaching a limit, "Look, murp monkey. I'm going to help my friend. Whether you like it or not. I'm going to count to three if you don't give me some answers. Capiche?" The monster doesn't respond, continuing to look for something hidden deep. Swetzer grabs it by the pointy cat ear, "Listen. To. Me."

The monster groans in response, rolling their eyes, "Scarf buddy... PLEASE leave a monster to their searching. Or... a search to it's monster." Skarvs grabs it by the neck, "Tell me what's going on and why Swetzer is perma-nixed, or I'll snap your proverbial neck." "O-ok ok alright!!," they finally respond, shaking in fear, "Well... I'm Schnix. Like. The real one, heh. I... don't want to die again... ok?" As they speak in a shaky voice, Skarvs refrains from summoning a mixtillion dream-created butcher knives as they continue, "but I'm... not really myself. I'm currently separated from... well... that other fella..."

Skarvs takes a deep but fearful breath as Schnix continues, "Since it's in the Nightlight Moon and I'm temporarily left here, I'm commanded to look for-AAAAHHH!!!" Schnix screeches as a stinging pain hisses in their head, a vein now releasing them from the pain. Schnix falls silent, manically searching more and more, "Clothian cubit shard. Need location." Skarvs grabs Schnix, "Ok then, you mucking piece of crap... get. Out." Skarvs then grabs them, yeeting the monster and all the fleshy Nixel-like veins attached into the chasm. The veins wither away as the chasm begins healing back into a normal and wonderfully colorful landscape as Swetzer comes to.

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now