The Bright Light of Clothian Caverns!

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Sokket lurks around as it usually does, peeking into many crevices and looking for more dimension in the world. Knitto meanwhile, is following the source of an awful smell, "Sokket!! Your sock rag... it's FILTHY!!" Sokket hisses, explaining Clothians DO NOT like when their clothing is removed. Knitto sighs, "Sokket, I still have to wash this... thing." Sokket headbutts Knitto back, desperately trying to explain how those who see Knitto without the costume enter a state of apathy, ending in death. Knitto chuckles, "I'm sure your not THAT ugly-" and then Knitto faints after grabbing Sokket's sock costume skin.

The outside view of this... scenario crackles and distorts until Sokket gets it's fleshy costume reconnected, fusing back as if it was a sack of skin. Finally feeling the welcome comfort of mockroaches crawling on it's back, Sokket looks at Knitto, crying.

*** *** ***

Meanwhile, Knitto is trapped in her own mind, overlooking a young cycloptic Clothian, one who's joyously dancing with a big ol top hat atop it's dome. Being at the back of the audience, Knitto observes the many Clothians throwing wonderful cavern flora and fungi. She sees a sign saying NOW PLAYING: The Bright Light of Clothian Caverns

Next thing Knitto knows, she's in the Clothian's point of view, nervous as she overlooks the audience, everything drenched in neon lights, drowned out by funky music and Clothians cheering their hearts out. But the Clothian keeps dancing. Dancing with joy and whimsy. It relaxes Knitto, until one flower bunch gets thrown by a strange distant figure.

The Clothian catches these flowers for showmixship, noticing a strange orb between the varying stems. A hand reaches out, trying to grab the Clothian. Within the Clothian's POV, Knitto feels all the anguish and pain as it's body and mind are split apart, fragments being lost. The hand stops, realizing what it's done. In a haphazard slop job of a fix, it attempts to put the mostly broken Clothian back together, failing miserably and making what looks more like a mono murp.

Without legs or arms, the newly scrambled Clothian nervously stumbles around, unable to dance. It then notices two googly eyes that got stuck onto it, screaming and screaming as it's vision flattens, everything feeling more like pop-up props at a puppet show. Even despite it's screams, not a sound comes out.

Now separated from the POV, Knitto observes that after the show, the Clothian's show manager has a talk with it, trying to figure out what happened. The Clothian dancer can't formulate the events, feeling like chunks of memory are missing. Instead, it feels an urge to warn other Clothians of the strange cat-like figure drenched in black and color, but no one believes it.

To make ends meet, it eventually resorts to puppet shows. Due to a reliance on tips and a lack of Clothians who care, the Clothian spirals, eventually becoming an N-Mixel.

One day though, the Clothian finally recieves a happy audience. Looking upon a jeans Clothian and a Wiztastic with glasses, The Clothian feels the first smile creep across it's hidden face since the dance.

*** *** ***

Knitto wakes up, startling Sokket. Knitto hugs Sokket, confusing the dastardly Clothian. Sokket hisses, getting Knitto off it. "I-in the... dream? I saw you... dancing." This is enough for Sokket to connect the dots.

The End

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