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Toolz-E grunts, wishing MixKing02 hadn't made MixBots able to get tired or feel. Though... he's always had a strange way with robots. Nonetheless, Toolz-E continues making a high-tech tree house within one of the few trees retaining leaves. They dot the border between Stitchlie Valley and Brawllar Canyon. For the time being, he looks for a way to speed up the building process.

"HMM..." he whirrs, noticing a jackhammer rabbit. It's a Mixamal that mostly lives in the underground Weldo Land, but seldom comes up to the surface. He tries using it, but it escapes easily. After some failed attempts, he offers a crapple, having been freshly picked off the vine of the tree. "ALRIGHT. LITTLE BUDDY, WANT TO MIX?" He says, offering a rainbow cubit they happily accept.

A clanging of gears and wrenches crunches the two together in a hydraulic press. The welding mix pops out, making the treehouse within the remainder of the afternoon. With the job done, Toolz-E notices the jackhammer rabbit wants to stay. He pulls out a rabbit cage from the infinite void that is his mouth. The jackhammer rabbit is gleeful, settling right in, "I WILL CALL YOU. LOADING... LOADING... JACKIE."

Toolz-E baps the top of a radio, sending a signal to hopefully be picked up by Ph0ne. However... the signal also attracts the attention of rather... rustic technology. The red eyes of a decommissioned Metarm glow with a harsh whirrrrr, being the only movement within the dusty remains of Nixel Land. Metarm begins slowly lumbering towards the signal, low on battery.

Metarm also knocks over an unused King Nixel mech, the same kind as the one shattered many moons ago...

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant