Muxful Discovery

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Fruitpunch whistles, having tied Lumpy to a makeshift leash-being a rope with paperclips-and taken it on a walk in Mixel Park! As Lumpy struggles to break free from the immensely strong grasp of the rope held by Fruitpunch's very strong arm, the UFB sighs. How did WE end up like thi- YOU had to RUIN it by mucking around too muc- SHUT UP!!!

Fruitpunch notices Lumpy fighting itself internally, lump moving around. The Brawllar pulls it down, attempting to help, "Eh, you's gots good grit y'see? Don' worry bouts whatever's going on in you's mind." This calms the floating bed mix, who notices a news article clipping, one reading, "SECRET NEWS." The two N-Mixels chuckle, looking at the article written by the famous Pollyanda.

"Oooh..." Lumpy says, observing the news, "Somethin' bout a NEUTRAL cubit, cubit? Apparently it can mix us Mixels, Mixels with Nixels, NIXELS!" Fruitpunch grins, "We should try's t' makes one!" Lumpy shakes his hand with both of it's hands, "It's a deal Brawllar compadre."

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now