A Yarn of Woe!

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Ph0ne knocks on Crocsu's door at the Inn, frantically frothing at the screen, with her facial expression glitching out and constantly changing. Crocsu open the door, "Hellooo friend! What can I do ya fo-" Ph0ne explodes into a mixillion questions, "HOWDOIKNIT? KNITTINGRECIPESFORDUMMIES?? COOKYARN???"

Crocsu feels anxious, but takes a deep breath, "Come right in! You should calm down and make yourself at home!" Crocsu wraps Ph0ne in a blanket fresh from the Inn's dryer and offers a warm cup of battery acid with some freshly baked HTTP cookies. Ph0ne calms down, Crocsu asking, "So... why do you want knitting... recipes?" Ph0ne shows her moogle search, showing she was indeed looking up knitting recipes, with none teaching her how to knit.

Crocsu chuckles, "That's for food silly! Let's mix it to learn it!" Ph0ne grabs the cubit, a knitting needle stabbing the two of them and turning them into voodoo dolls. A cubit sticker is placed on both of them, resulting in a knitting machine mix! Within the mix, Ph0ne writes down a lot of information within her notes app as they knit some shirts together.

The End

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