Fraying Mindset

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Ph0ne and Crocsu run in panic, as do many other Stitchlies. "Aw gee Ph0ne..." Crocsu worries, "Sokket and Knitto are causing so much chaos! Not to mention those Nixels!! And the other Stitchlies are still there!!!" Ph0ne plays some soothing music, giving the poor crocodile a massage, "It'll be ok! I calculate we should be able to sneak in, provided we strike from above."

Crocsu spits out a yarn-covered red/orange cubit they bought from an Infernite the other day, "Well? Let's mix!" Ph0ne turns down Crocsu, who freaks out even more as the yarn coming out their mouth frays, "Wait WHAT!?" "Ok Crocsu, we needs to figure out their goal and get within range. Crocsu rolls their eyes, "Alriiight... you're a new leader right?" Ph0ne's face becomes a thumbs up icon. Crocsu nods, feeling at least somewhat confident.

Meanwhile, Knitto and Sokket laugh with crazed lunacy. Sokket does sort of get nervous, feeling like Knitto took the vision that came of their mix too much to heart. Sokket puts a tentacle on her shoulder, trying to calm Knitto down. Knitto takes a deep breath, but continues feeling pins and needles crawling down her back.

Ph0ne sends in a bug-bug, a Mixamal made to be a fly on the wall. However, even through the noisy Nixels as the bug-bug gets closer, Ph0ne only hears distant arguing and screaming. "Sokket... I... can understand you but why?? I..."

The audio cuts out as a Nixel accidentally crushes the bug-bug. Ph0ne sighs, "No info, but we gots to mix." Crocsu grabs the cubit, the two mixing and blasting over the fray... but one of the rockets explodes, landing them in the middle of the swarm. "Oh Schnixel."

However not much happens as the two Mixels bicker, Sokket trying to tell Knitto she's not getting the bigger picture. "Bigger... PICTURE!? You... should know the picture is flat! FLAT! A flat land with flat braincells!!" The Ph0ne and Crocsu mix simply moges through the swarm, rescuing Crocsu's friends. As the mix splits, Skarvs pulls out two cubits, "While they're distracted!!" The catlike Stichlies max forms, looming over the also catlike Ph0ne and Nyarn mix, who looks up in amazement.

"Ok Sokket, I get it heh. Are ya... trying to tell me theres more to life than... the truth?" Sokket nods, barely managing to keep the costume skin on due to it being drenched in nervous sweat. Knitto grabs out a neutral cubit, making the max and mix scared.

"...Well then, may you do the honors?" Says Knitto as Sokket and the medium-sized Nixel swarm grab it, meshing together into a tornado-esque mux with an uncountable number of white veins swirling around the mess of parts as it screams so loudly, only cats can hear. Rather unfortunate for the cats.

Despite this, through the shouting, the Stitchlies max creates a yarnball, launching it into the storm and muffling it's shouts. As the yarn entangles around it, the mux falls and squirms. The Ph0ne/Nyarn mix rockets forward, splitting the mux and whipping around a long string tail, ready to attack anything that dared to stay. The Mixels split, high handing!

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now