Iceberg Lettuce Sal Ad

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Jeanne adds a bunch of tin cans to a pile of stolen items, grinning with glee! Beddy bursts through the door of their abode, "WHERE the MUCK is TEDDY BUTTERFLY!?" Jeanne plays dead, shocked by the sudden barge-in. Sneek suddenly appears for literally no reason, "Hey guys! What be problem?" Beddy groans, "That thieving rodent... it stole teddy butterfly plush!!" Sneek translates to Jeanne, ribbitting in his tongue. Jeanne nods, extending it's denim leg to grab and return the plush.

Beddy sighs, still confused why Jeanne steals stuff, only to return it, "Anyway, I want salad to make! Wanted to do contest with you." Jeanne grins, nodding more rapidly.

Soon, Jeanne and Beddy are faced off against Major and Lord Chefnix himself. Ph0ne clears her throat, being the announcer for the contest, "Hey guys!! Sorry, but I'm filling in for the prior announcer!" The audience murmurs, but many try not to care in regards to ruining the Mix Festival.

Ph0ne feels nervous, but still gives it her all, "This salad creation contest will combine the skills of the participant teams! And it's sponsored by Muncholand Grocery! This is THE go-to shop located in the Rural Candylands!" The two judges remain silent, being a Flexer cat and a cycloptic Wiztastic. Both of them wipe their glasses. The Wiztastic's stomach grumbles, an exaggeration caused by magic. Jeanne and Beddy know what to do, mixing and tossing up a spacey type of salad. It has jean beans on it, the perfect salad garnish atop the Plantor brand iceberg lettuce coated in draemar dressing. With some shoe sole rice and onions, ones that cause sleepiness when a non-Goodnyght cuts it, the salad is done.

Meanwhile Major does all the cooking and doesn't let Lord Chefnix help. Major makes cupcakes, being the only thing he knows how to make, "I'VE NAILED IT CHEFNIX! No miserable Mixel can stop me now!" Chefnix sits silently, wishing to do anything else than having brought a rusty old oven, despite a newer one being provided.

When it comes to judging... the whiskered and robe-wearing judges can't even finish eating the cupcakes tasting of cardboard and black licorice. They do however, scarf down the salad within mere moments... after mixing of course. The Mixels won by a landslide, Major retreating angrily.

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ