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"HUH? WHA? WHO-O-O???" Swetzer says, having been woken up in a frantic and startling manner. Skarvs looms over Swetzer, who smells his berrymango shampoo. "O-o-oh, it's only yo-o-ou, heh..." he says, sighing with relief. Skarvs just stands there, motionless, "Hey... Swetzer... do you know any jokes?"

Swetzer turns her head in confusion, "Huh? Not off... the top of my head...?" Skarvs pulls out a strange mirror, seemingly knitted out of the fabric of reality. Swetzer is barely able to make everything out, as their memory only shows fragmented vision, "Look into this mirror, Swetzer." As Swetzer does, a smiling and broken reflection returns her glare. Skarvs speaks, "Despite it all, that's you!"

Swetzer sighs, "Skarvs, sto-o-op being weird... just leave me be." Skarvs chuckles weirdly, the berrymango smell strengthening and putting off Swetzer even more, "But the fun's only just begun!" It finally clicks for Swetzer, "O-o-oh... it's a dream! I'm so-o-o dense, aren't I?" Plus it's strawmango shampoo, Swetzer thinks. "So true... bestie!," dream-Skarvs... dare I say... Darvs... says before growing to a massive height. Swetzer feels the presence, also growing in height, "Two-o-o can play at this lucid game!"

Darvs and Swetzer form maxes with their imagined tribemates, both roaring. The Ditchlies max—Yes. That's the name. It's funny—unravels it's yarn arms, capturing the Clothians max within it. "Think fast, chucklenuts!," the Clothians max jokes, biting down on the arm with it's vertical trench coat mouth.

The Ditchlies max screams, white liquid spurting out the chopped yarn like colorless mixing essence, withering into a little gray bonflower with a... familiar face. Swetzer shrinks back to normal, "So it was you, Schnix. Should I even mention you... disguising as my friend? And now his present." Schnix cackles, it's form distorting, "Heyyyy bestie!! And yes! The one and only!! Sayyy pal... do you want to join forces? I wouldn't trust those... Stitchlies if I were you." Swetzer laughs, crushing the Schnixflower beneath his foot and ending the dream. "Aw mix..." Swetzer says, "That was a terrible dream."

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now